"What are your fruits?"

by changeling 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • changeling

    Someone I love asked me that the other day.

    I said: "I'm a good person, and I love my family". I also said: "Regardless of religion, I strive to follow the 'golden rule'."

    I don't think this is what the person wanted to hear.

    So, now that you no longer "serve Jehovah", what are your friuts?

  • llbh

    Good ones - Tolerance they are not. Humour if we can not laugh at ourselves and others not much point imho. Bad ones irascible (if have not had cat nap after work).

    I love Lychees nearly time they come over here

    I have gone back what I was pre borg and feel much more comfortable


  • tula

    I especially love peaches.

    I have not had a decent peach in years....like picked at peak ripeness from the tree.

    I have learned to like mangos as a substitute. At least they ripen after being picked. Peaches don't. They stay hard and then they just go bad.

    I also really like pecans. (pa-kahns, not pee cans)

    But I don't know if nuts are considered fruits. I have seen those terms used interchangably when referring to lunatic people.

    So it still leaves me with the question: are nuts fruits? Are fruits nuts?

  • solidergirl

    When you say fruits do you mean fruit of the Looms. Cause I think their cotton underwear is the best. I even like the way their briefs look sexy. Where do you get off asking a person that whats that suppose to be a thinking question.

  • restrangled

    I love cherries and grannysmith apples, bananas and a good peach....which is hard to get these days, fresh pineapple, melons of any kind and rasberries!


  • jaguarbass

    The Golden rule is "He who has the Gold makes the rules" Did you become rich after leaving the wactower? Or do you mean you live by the rules some other rich people made?

    I like cherries.

  • momzcrazy

    I am always willing to help people, almost too willing sometimes. I am a good listener. I am fun. I make really good lasagna.

    Oh, and I'm crazy.


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Ha ha ha ha!!!

    You said fruits.

    Ha ha ha ha!!

  • wings

    My fruits are anxiety, frustration, joy, stress, love, incredible patience, hopelessness, hopefullness, ridiculious kindness and generosity, and no self-control.

    Those who know me would say I'm a nut, not a fruit, although I like to think of myself as a peach.

  • BFD

    I'd post a picture but I don't want to get banned.


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