JW's negative outlook on humanity

by kwintestal 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • kwintestal

    Always thinking that the world around you, the people you see and deal with day-to-day, and the forces controling everything are wicked and evil in the most horrible ways is pretty much standard thinking for most active JW's. Not all, but most. None would think more so then those who have had this indoctrinated into them from infancy.

    How do you think this effects people trying to leave? Would it be easier for people to leave if the negativity wasn't as prevelent and people thought that the majority of people in the world are good, perhaps misguided, but overall good. This is how I in fact see society today.


  • nvrgnbk

    Great topic, kwin.

    You've described the average JW mindset rather well.

    How do you think this effects people trying to leave?

    Ironically, I think it may actually help.

    Let me explain.

    We were all told that it was Us vs. Them, Good vs. Bad.

    Any amount of exposure to non-Witnesses, coupled with honesty, soon leads one to the conclusion that there is something seriously flawed in that way of thinking. Life is never so simple. One reflects on all the "not-so-good" JWs one knows and compares them to the "not-so-bad" non-JWs one meets and crosses paths with. Of course the way the religion battles this is with propagandistic expressions like "but does he/she love Jehovah? Is he/she concerned with seeing His name sanctified and His sovereignty vindicated?" In the end, the all important thing is being a dedicated and baptized Jehovah's Witness.

    The negative worldview you describe was an important factor in helping me to leave, odd as it may seem.

    Thanks for the topic.

  • flipper

    Kwin, good topic. I agree with Nvr that once you get on the outside you see and meet many people who are actually more normal in their showing of genuine human kindness than we received in the cult . A lot of good people on the outside ! That being said, the challenge as you say is for those leaving the cult , and getting them to believe the fact that hey, there are nice people out there, you will be O.K. ! And many who want to leave the witnesses are so brainwashed about the view of outsiders , they are scared turdless to even try to develop relationships once they get out. Not even to mention the fear of how they will be viewed by former associates who are witnesses. I think fear has caused a lot of the paranoia put in the witnesses! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • R.F.

    My opinion is that it may very well help ones leave the organization if this concept wasn't heavily ingrained in their minds.

    That's definitely what keeps so many in....the thought that they are part of something so grand, that it's the only place of safety in the world.

    It most definitely helps one exit when they do realize that "the world" isn't the rotting cesspool that the WTS teaches them it is. This very thing is what helped me walk away from it, when a few things occured that showed me how loving people in the "world" can be, and how hateful some JWs can be.


  • Honesty

    Makes it easier to swallow down the Watchtower's Armageddon Pill.

  • WTWizard

    Here are the dominant characteristics of the Witlesses:

    They are closed minded. They are not open to the idea that something might be wrong with the organization. They won't even tolerate the idea that 99.9% of what they teach is right but 0.1% could be in error (this would be an excellent track record if any organization was 99.9% correct). But they think it has to be 100% their way, even when they keep changing things.

    They are stagnant. All they talk about is what happens in field circus and at the boasting session. Wasn't that such a great talk? They also talk about how they got a $10 donation for a crapt so they can put it in the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund.

    They are critical of each other. Independent opinions on neutral topics are usually met with harsh criticism. They will not tolerate the idea that someone else likes rap music. And, if anyone deviates from the Society in ways that do not matter, they are subject to hounding.

    They seek to rat each other out. Make a mistake, and they will tell the hounders about it. If one of them sees you with a member of the opposite sex in a non-compromising situation (like at the mall in the middle of the day in busy conditions), you are in for a hounding. They will hound you if you are walking in a record store with a copy of Jay-Z's CD. As if that was the end of the world because you listen to Jay-Z. From there, it will find its way back to Brother Hounder, who will chew you out because you are listening to "inappropriate music".

    They think people should be judged based on theocraptic standards. Pioneers are supposed to be desired; they are, as a group, the most snotty people I have ever dealt with. Men are supposed to be hounders and hounder-hounders in order to have any prominence.

    This is the average Witless. By comparison, the worldly people they deride tend to be more varied, and much less apt to impose their own tastes on everyone. The average worldly person is likely to be misled to a degree by our leaders, and their opinions have been shaped by the lies that politicians are good at telling in order to get re-elected. But, they are more likely to entertain other ideas and the thought that they might be wrong, at least in some part. Worldly people might disagree, but someone that hates rap is not going to rat you out because you are buying 50 Cent's CDs. (Many of them might have Marilyn Manson's CDs).

    I think the average Witless is not superior to the average worldly person. If anything, the average worldly person is superior. If the world were to be free of all mysticism tomorrow, the Witlesses would suddenly be up Sxxx Creek without a paddle. They would lose their guidance, and they would eventually flounder. Everyone else, by and large, would actually find things easier without all the myths and excess rules imposed on us by our leaders. There would be a crisis of short duration, followed by people cashing in on it and solving it. Ultimately, under those conditions, the worldly people would do far better than any Witless.

  • mentalclearness

    I agree with Nvr. It was having contact with people who were not JW's and had more moral standards and principles than those I knew inside the organization that got me questioning many things. Now that I am completely out though, I find I have a problem either completely trusting someone or being biased towards them because they are not witnesses. I need to develope skills needed to be able to see if people are trustworthy based on who they really are as opposed to what religion they are.

  • V

    JWs have the "BAD" stamp on humanity in two ways. Like said above, they consider everyone not a JW to be set for destruction.

    But what if there are undeniable examples of good people? Got that covered too...

    From this week's Watchtower study:

    Q9) What can humans never accomplish, and why not?

    9) What about those who selflessly labor for the well-being of others, striving to eradicate hunger, illness, and injustice? Their noble and self-sacrificing efforts often do much good. Yet, despite their best efforts, they will never change this system of things into a fair and good one. Why not? Because in reality "the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one"–Satan–and he does not want it to change.-1 John 5:19.

    See the entire article and comments here: Comments You Will Not Hear at the WT Study


    I think that is what makes it so hard to leave for those born in the "false". Without any experience living life outside kool-aidville it is hard to realize that the world isn't all bad and you can make a great life for yourself. Being conditioned from birth to think that everything is controlled by Satan makes starting a life on the outside extremely scary for some. I think that would be a very hard thing to get past and be able to move on.

    I hate those evil bastards.

  • justhuman

    There is a possitive part of the negative outlook...inherit all this Villas, luxury cars, private jet planes, gold, diamonds of the dead evil ones in Armageddon

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