Comments You Will Not Hear at the WT Study (11/5 PURPOSE IN LIFE)

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  • bobld

    Very good review ."the real purpose in life is not believing what bs the fds/gb say".Q5 they always focus on some grumppy rich dude that is never happy.There are 10 of millions of people that are well off and very happy,however they are not one of Jehovah's Witnesses.They fds/gb always say materialism is bad, riches is bad,well ask the 14 million children under 5 years that go hungary and over 5 million of those starve to death each year. God's kingdom will solve man's problems,however for over two thousands years is not soon.Man has to work,grow food and try his best to help the poor.Preaching and giving useless mags/books is just wasting valuable resources.I have more to say about the so called God's kingdom but at another time.



    9) What about those who selflessly labor for the well-being of others, striving to eradicate hunger, illness, and injustice? Their noble and self-sacrificing efforts often do much good. Yet, despite their best efforts, they will never change this system of things into a fair and good one. Why not? Because in reality "the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one"–Satan–and he does not want it to change.-1 John 5:19.

    What????? Those who labor for the well-being of others,striving to eradicate hunger,illness,and injustice are "SELFESS"? Without these people,things would be worse! Let's just hand out magazines,books,have meetings 3 days a week,assemblies,conventions,and travel to people's homes for bookstudies. That's how the WTS will solve all the problems.

    Their noble and self-sacrificing efforts often do much good. Yet, despite their best efforts, they will never change this system of things into afair and good one. No one can change death,disease,hunger,wars,droughts,floods,and what every human faces every day but we're all here to help each other. Let's all stand back and see what happens if we don't.

    This paragraph made my blood boil. They all live in their own little world. Thank you WT COMMENTS!

  • Bonnie_Clyde
    Family life was close, warm, and full of joy. Eventually, all of us entered the full-time ministry. Now our daughters are happily married, three of them with children of their own. Their families too are happy as they continue to put Jehovah's purpose first."

    Even if these stories are believable, I often wonder how long the happiness lasts.

    I remember a couple who gave their story at a district convention (early 80's), about the wonderful years of service that they shared, and the blessing of having their children grow up in the truth. Two sons were elders (happily married), one spent time in Bethel with his wife, and the daughter married an elder.

    I knew this family well. Today both sons are completely out of the "truth," one has been divorced twice, the children are on drugs and having sex, and the daughter is still married to the elder but she was hospitalized not too long ago for attempted suicide. Both sons lament that they were not allowed to get higher education. There's more, but I've probably already said too much.

    So much for their happy family life....

  • blondie

    The funny thing is that in my experience the ones that missed meetings because of their jobs tended to be the elders themselves. I remember one congregation that had 3 elders that were never there for the book study or TMS. They said they attended them in the areas near their work sites or sales route. I visited those areas from time to time and DID attend meetings and no one knew who they were although they went to these areas on a regular basis. Or the elders who went on extended vacations and never went to the KH, contenting themselves with a private family study of the WT on Sunday. Or jw college students who missed meetings during their tests, studying and test itself. Or the elders that had high paying jobs who went to college while others pioneered and now struggled to pay the bills. Or elders wives who worked fulltime whose husbands had big paying jobs and had no children.........

    And I'm betting that the jws with good jobs are not donating in proportion to their income...........

    Despite the 70 hour change from (100 to 90 to 83) still does not draw the "faithful" in. More and more are concerned with retirement and illness (health insurance). They thought they would never die.


  • WTWizard

    There are many non-sequitors in Watchtower teaching. One I remember is that, as evidence that Jehovah loves me, He created the atmosphere with just the right amount of oxygen. Bullsxxx! Where is the proof that He did this just for me? Notice that I do not have radically different needs from anyone else. By setting the atmosphere for any one person, He would have automatically set it for me at zero marginal cost.

    That is one issue the Watchtower Society has trouble grappling with. The concept of marginal cost simply eludes them. They focus on the great cost of the ransom sacrifice. However, the first person to benefit from that would have incurred the full cost. Additional people cost Jehovah absolutely nothing. Thus, there is zero marginal cost in saving one additional person. Even the lowest scumbag could get in without costing Jehovah anything more.

    An illustration is going into a buffet. It is pay one price for all you can eat. The price is extremely high, but there is quality food that makes it well worth that price. In addition, there is some crap "food" among it. You paid for that, too. But that doesn't mean you paid extra. If the first bite was worth the full cost, anything above and beyond that is free on the margin. There is no marginal cost in taking additional helpings. And, there is nothing wasted out of your pocket by forgoing the crap food.

    In order for Jehovah to prove (and I really mean prove, not just claim) His love for me, He is going to have to do something at great MARGINAL cost that is going to just help me. This cannot be accomplished through written word (which is full of non-sequitors and other crap) or by wasting my time trying to highlight illusory "good". The only way He can do this is by undoing all the problems He set up in my life, and then paying back with interest the damage He has caused. If He doesn't make me a veritable superstar with the opposite sex on a PERMANENT basis and set me up to make all the money I lost out on because of the Tower or due to circumstances that He set up so I would be a sucker for the Tower with interest, then there simply is no way I am ever going to be anything but hateful and vengeful toward the God that has shown me misery of His creation, and then expects me to praise Him based on non sequitors, specious arguments, and outright lies.

  • 4digitcode


    that was something. the way you analyzed that study was amazing. as a jw i found the language of the articles strange but couldn't explain it's revealed to me.thanks.

    the real life term IS used. when i tried to get in touch with a jw because his mom had passed, he was distraught at the passing of her and not having our friendship anymore but said he had to be strong because this wasn't the REAL LIFE. it's so sad to waste your life now for another that may never come.

  • Blueblades

    Once again you have shown that we have proof that there is no Holy Spirit guiding the writing department, the proof readers or the Governing Body who approve the article for print and study.

    I like the way you explain each paragraph. We can read between the lines so to speak. Those of us who have come to know what The Watchtower is really about are the ones who have the real life, living for now, one day at a time. Not for some invisible "Carrot". Thanks again.


  • watson

    I enjoyed your summary. Thank you, now I don't have to go tomorrow!

  • Robert222

    How many of us would enjoy a little anxiety from being wealthy?? How many of us - not mentioned in this WA study - have anxiety and sleepless nights worrying about where our next paycheck is coming from, worrying about feeding our families, paying taxes, the WA does not cover the needs of people.

    And that's it - what others have said - what is the purpose of handing out magazines, going uninvited to people's doors, then sitting in a KH staring blankly at a speaker giving a talk you've heard a dozen times - that's the "real" life??? Its boring, useless, does nothing to help others,

    If the whole world today turned JW that would end all welfare programs, no one would go to work, no one would go to school, it would be a giant lazy society of people sitting at home or in KH waiting for the end to come, all aging and dying because no one went to medical school, no one has any money because the "real" life is sitting around waiting for the end. I could go on and on!

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