lack of repentance is the ONLY ground for disfellowshipping.... really?

by inkling 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I agree on the notoriety factor. My ex was getting into trouble and the elders never raised a finger because she had the attention of a few elders. When it came out that she was sleeping with half the brothers in the hall they finally stepped up their attention.

  • 5go

    I bet it has to do with the fact that if they did DF you on the grounds of commiting a sin. You could then sue them for character defamation, or something.

  • nvrgnbk
    I bet it has to do with the fact that if they did DF you on the grounds of commiting a sin. You could then sue them for character defamation, or something.

    The WT lawyers are one step ahead.

    That's why the announcement was changed to...

    "5go is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses", in lieu of "5go has been disfellowshipped".

    Smart little bastards!

  • 5go
    "5go is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses", in lieu of "5go has been disfellowshipped".

    Yeah, me being stupid and uneducated (sic) saw straight thru that one, when they did that change.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I agree with Tall Penguin.

    Sweetstuff give a great example of how it isn't always by the book.

    Nobody posted the "Special Considerations."

    Here are some:
    An elder's kid can be reproved without the proper remorse if he just promises to behave from now on.
    That can last for a few JC's.

    Elders can sin and avoid the JC altogether. Can't be DF'ed if you never meet with the JC. Sometimes,
    this works for elder's kids too. 2 Elders meet with the person and determine NO NEED FOR A JC.

    A hot babe who tells the complete story of how she fornicated or gave oral sex. Any WT-trained JC would
    want to keep her around for more meetings and JC's. They would probably string her along and avoid the

    Rich people who donate at the hall can just say "Sorry" and all is forgiven.

    There are probably more special considerations.
    The opposite special considerations are those that they want to say "Gotcha!" to. No matter how many
    tears are shed by someone they want to axe, they will axe.

  • DaCheech

    if too many people know about this situation, or if NOT d'fing you will cause a stir.

    then they WILL df you: repentant or not!

  • DublDipd

    The decision to DF is as random as your odds of getting a ticket when pulled over by a cop. How you act, what you say, the general mood of the JC, etc. determines the outcome.

  • sass_my_frass

    If your elders think you're really sorry, you won't get disfellowshipped the first time, unless they don't like you when they get to play the 'leaven' card. If there's a second time, apparently you were never really sorry, so you get the chop.

  • heathen

    It doesn't matter if you repent or not you still go through the six month shunning period when dis fellowshipped .

  • Borgia

    Mr Cano was, when caught red handed, disfellowshipped on the spot by the HQ hitteam. It is amazing how quick the whole procedure had taken place. It fuels the suspicion that such a move had not only been inspired by bringing a sinner to repentance. Far from it.



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