Did you mind if a JW worked where you worked ?

by JH 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • prophecor

    I worked in the company of one who didn't know I used to be a witness. It was a local Pep Boys. Work around a bunch of guys who fix cars, and the atmosphere can get quite heated from time to time. Being frustrated at a vehicle that's not co operating with being repaired can cause a few unpleasant words to come out of one's mouth. It was hillarious to see him use euphemisms and such when getting angry. We all knew what he wanted to say, it was just funny hearing him say it thru JW filters.

  • moshe

    There were several JW's who workked in my plant. I never missed a chance to get my "dig" in. Like when our plant closed I made it a point to ask them what they were doing during our layoff while we were waiting for our transfer to the other plant. After they told we what they were going to do, I exclaimed, " what- you're not going to be a fulltime pioneer for the next year or so!" -" Jehovah and the brothers at the KH must be disappointed that you are so weak in the faith", etc.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I had an interesting experiance in a company I formally owned. There were three partners. Myself, another JW, and a study. The study eventually stopped studying. So most of the employees we had were JW's. Up to 35 at one point. Well partner JW left and the other partner and I moved the business elsewhere. At that point it got down to 3 JW's and mostly non JW employees. Well I started to fade and I grew a goatie. At that point the 3 JW's stopped talking to me. I'm like duh, want to keep your job? You had better start communicating or I'll fire you for insubordination. They finally got a clue and started talking to me about business matters again. I mean really. What nerve?

  • rose petal
    rose petal

    I just remembered this. No, I didn't mind if a JW worked where I worked!

    I was a postal worker 10 years ago. A contractor started who was an elder. He knew I was faded and didn't say anything. But one day another postie came from the next delivery centre, and started speaking to him. He said he lived at (address) and the postie said, oh, why don't you clean up your yard, it's a mess!

    The elder was so embarrassed, he knew that I knew that you should "not bring the org reproach". I knew he was out in service all the time. I felt sorry for him, but he deserved it.

    I think he did clean up his yard.

    rose petal

  • Honesty

    He still works there.

    Yells out, "Apostate" if I happen to be in the same room with him.

    I keep praying that Jesus will open his mind and heart.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    You have got to be kidding. Yells out apostate? He must look like a complete idiot to everyone else. They probably think he has Turrets syndrome......apostate......vulva......buttwipe......cheesewize.....ballhair!!

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