A changing trend in Watchtower teaching??????

by TooBad TooSad 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Poztate

    My Thought on what they are saying.....

    "Additionally, we are all getting older, and the calamitous days that accompany

    advancing age and that limit what we are able to do in Jehovah's service are inescapable in this

    present system of things.

    We might have said that it was Jehovah's promise that the Generation™ that saw 1914 would by no means pass away before "Armageddon" but WTF no damage done RIGHT??

    Abraham found peace and serenity in his later years, dying old and satisfied

    because he had used his life wisely, entirely devoted to Jehovah.

    Don't start to stir up shit or dissent ion now but just relax lay back and know you will soon be dead.Don't rock the boat..

    Very soon now this old system of things

    will end."

    A threat...Just in case you were thinking of rocking the boat. Remember , jehovah doesn't like them shit disturbers and they will be destroyed...

  • fukitol

    Looks like just the same old shit they've always been saying.

  • yknot

    They are attempting to pacifying the older ones whom were promised to see the "end"

    Guess next we will see a reminder about donating estates.


  • Hortensia

    poztate - I agree with your interpretation. A LOT of people in the congregations I grew up in have died and others are very old. Hell, even their kids are old. If they aren't wising up, they are nuts. So the WTBTS is starting to soften their brains again: Abraham died contented having devoted his entire life to Jehovah. It's kind of like valium in print, isn't it?


    ..Every JW that has told me the End was Near..Eventually died..Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • PEC

    Anyone want to help me make plans for my sisters 50? May be we can come up with a plan to wake her up. Isn't 50 long enough to put your life on hold?


  • jgnat

    As the GB goes, so goes the organization. They are all old, some of them suffering from old-age depression and dementia. The organization itself is depressed. Even young adults act old.

  • Dansk
    Abraham found peace and serentiy in his later years, dying old and satisfied

    Well, the GB would find the above applies to them because they've been served so well at Brooklyn. Their living quarters, food and healthcare has been completely free.


  • Borgia

    Ian, you took the words right out of my mouth.

    Notice how they apologize for not doing much........begs the question: what do they really do? Authorize the the issuance of 2 separate WT's? Wow, that must have been dilligent prayerful labor in the lord.



  • zack

    They have to throw a bone every now and then to the old people.

    It is sad that so many were told and believed that not only would they NOT DIE, they would never grow old!

    The USA Witnesses are old! The DC's are overwhelmed by old people waiting on the New System It is very sad.

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