JW's have been around since Adam and Eve???!!!

by tribalgirl 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • tribalgirl

    I was wondering if this was being taught in the congregations.

    My sister who is still a JW told me this the other day when I said that the WTBTS has only been around for a short time, relatively speaking.

    My mother, who hasn't been to a meeting in years, agrees with her.

    What is being taught now with regards to this, does anyone know? I haven't been to a meeting in so long, I have forgotten what they teach. (Good for me!)

    I would really like to know, just to be able to discuss this with accuracy.


  • 4mylove

    Wow, my friend said that they have been around all along also. This came up in an argument we were having about legitimacy tied to seniority.

    My inactive hubby said, also during an argument, that it is believed that the apostles were original JW's. Of course this made me gag...

    At least that is what a hardcore jw and inactive jw believe.



  • tribalgirl


    Very interesting. I wonder what they have to back this up.

  • sweetstuff

    They don't have anything to back it up, they will just say that God has always 'chosen' faithful ones through the ages who have transmitted his message down until good old Russell showed up on the picture. They will never point to any lineage, because they don't have one. It will be a response of smoke and mirrors.

    The witnesses were an offshoot of the Adventists, meaning, according to their own doctrine, they came from bad old christianity themselves, but because they have "god's spirit directing them" they have been chosen to shed the true meaning of his message via their colorfully altered version of the bible. NWT. Ask her for an article from the Society showing their lineage dating back to bible times as God's chosen channel of communication on earth and watch their faces drop. All they will be able to find is what I quoted above, the Society's own declaration that there have always been ones, no mention of denominations of course, throughout the time, who have done "god's will".

  • tribalgirl

    Okay, that is just... crazy.

    So, basically, you just have to take this huge leap of faith. No proof, no evidence, no backing.

    I am not even sure I want to discuss this issue with her when there is no "real" answer.

    I have a feeling it would end with her crying and me feeling bad for even bringing it up.

    My sister is somewhat developmentally disabled. She is completely functional, but...slow.

    My mom, on the other hand, is just hard-headed. Her nick-name as a child was "marblehead". It's not really funny, but once she gets an idea into her mind, it's there for good.

  • jaguarbass

    Theyve been around since Adam and Eve, But they didnt get to brooklyn until Jesus was born.

  • AGuest

    Thank you... and may you all have peace!

    They base this belief on the premise that Abel was the original "faithful" witness of God, and since they believe themselves to be "the faithful and discreet slave"... they believe they are thereby related to Abel and every "faithful witness" since him.

    Unfortunately (very), however, they are NOT the faithful and discreet slave. That personage was... and is... my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH), the Holy One of Israel, Son and Christ of the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies... whose Father placed HIM over all of His "belongings" -

    "All authority has been given me... in heaven... AND on earth"...

    He, my Lord, is the One called the "faithful and true witness"... the "Word of God" (Rev. 19:13)... AND... the "TRUTH" (John 14:6)... designations the IMPOSTERS and FALSE christs of the WTBTS have WICKEDLY taken for themselves or deceitfully misrepresented something else to be (i.e., the Bible is the word of God - a lie!).

    May JAH forgive them... through Christ... for they TRULY don't have a clue as to what they're doing... or what the consequence will be. For them, and the millions they are misleading.

    Again, I bid you peace.

    A slave of Christ,


  • Quandry

    Well, technically not since Adam and Eve, since both of them were disobedient and had to die. BUT their child Abel, was the first witness.

    Since then they have pointed to such groups as the Waldensians, and others who didn't believe in the Trinity and tried to preach and who were persecuted. So they say that at all times in human history there have been groups of true worshippers.

    This doesn't really hold water, and somewhere on this forum, I believe, or at the Freeminds website maybe, there was info that showed that there were gaps in the "time continuum" where there were actually no groups who believed anything remotely close to the WTS views.

    Perhaps someone more knowledgeable than I could point to the WTS articles in the past where yes, this has been their doctrine.

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    I read once that Able was the first faithful witness of Jehovah. So you see, the priceless real estate in Brooklyn has been profaned by abuse and untruth for milleniums.

  • oldflame

    So I suppose Jesus is a JW ? Ask them if Jesus were a JW then why nothing ever heard until Russell or why there is nothing said about JW's in the bible. Jesus went to the synagogue's not a kingdom hall. What a bunch of not only liars but a bunch of idiots for fall9ing for their garbage.

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