If you were given $1M.....

by Jourles 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jourles
    And, I would get some software to translate the whole thing into Spanish (so Spanish language posts would get into the main system in English and could be translated into Spanish if the user wants it), Portuguese (for Brazil), French, Italian, Chinese (just in case), Nigerian, and any other languages that are in emergency conditions with potentially exploding populations of Witlesses. After that is established, other languages would be added so eventually every language where Puketower litter-ature exists would have access to the whole system in their native language.

    Maybe we could get the WTS to license their MEPS system for us to use. You never know, it would mean money coming in instead of going out!

  • sacrebleu

    I like Watson and Katie Kitten's ideas best. I can't top them. I'll have to think.........


  • sacrebleu

    I got it! I would provide the best legal eagles to help X-JW parents fight for custody of their innocent, minor children! Yay!


  • tijkmo

    i'd buy them all green dresses...

    but not real green dresses - that's cruel

  • Leolaia

    I would invest it as a university scholarship for nontraditional education for JWs and former JWs (i.e. for those who missed out on getting a college degree in their youth because of, well, ya know)....better imho to help people directly...

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I would retire so as to be able to write books and produce video that depicted the WTS oppression of people and dangerous doctrine. During retirement I would get a law degree so as to be able to aid families destroyed by the WTS.


  • minimus

    NVR, thanks.

  • new boy
    new boy

    The one thing the society hates more then anything is publisity so I woud...

    Pay for a full page newspaper ad in ever major newspaper in the world, offering...a free program to break mind control.

  • primitivegenius

    I got it! I would provide the best legal eagles to help X-JW parents fight for custody of their innocent, minor children! Yay!


    my idea goes along these lines as well............ you have those a$$hole lawyers who work for the society......... why not create their nemisis. a bunch of X-jw lawyers who have access to a COMPLETE library of publications so that when elders are put on the stand we can show them from their own publications WHAT they belive...... so when they start their new light bulls*** we can say.............. but your org published this........... so they belived it and enforced it....... ect. ive seen non jw lawyers try and use print out of scanned publications........... and the lieing elder said it appeared to be ............ not it was iron clad a publication printed by the watchtower.

    make it a non profit orginization.......... but when the society loses.............. they would get back legal fees........ and could charge them for everything they did, to keep money built up to fight the next fight.

    i would want BULLDOGS to go for the throat........ and have specialists for each state so that they know the laws for that state to better put the screws to that org.

  • sweetstuff

    I'd bribe my way into brooklyn and get one of the governing body in the sack with me and have someone standing by to take photos. Now that would be a sacrifice worthy of doing. *Shivers at the idea of some old GB member* But can ya see the jaws drop on the faithful when that puppy hit the front pages?? LMAO

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