My Latest Poem

by Abandoned 70 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Abandoned

    I like your poetry. It is flowing and lyrical but at the same time down to earth. Keepin' it real.

    Thank you. I like the "down to earth" comments. That is so my personality.

  • R.Crusoe

    Futures lost and stole When a lifetime of love has grown in your heart and is showered on those who hold your every thoughts and when everything you give, others sully and smear then you turn with a smile to the few you hold dear, There's a spear for your heart when their eyes look away and make mind play with those who laugh as you sway with a hope in their hearts they will soon see you fall and see justice is done in their poisonous call. As you melt and run red with your own bloodshed standing still in the pool for the love you were fooled, it's hard to move on or feel anyones won in the mess that is left from the poisonous theft of the life that you had and were ready to glide into happier times with the ones you held dear for the many a year in your futures.

  • snowbird

    Futures lost and stole When a lifetime of love has grown in your heart and is showered on those who hold your every thoughts and when everything you give, others sully and smear then you turn with a smile to the few you hold dear, There's a spear for your heart when their eyes look away and make mind play with those who laugh as you sway with a hope in their hearts they will soon see you fall and see justice is done in their poisonous call. As you melt and run red with your own bloodshed standing still in the pool for the love you were fooled, it's hard to move on or feel anyones won in the mess that is left from the poisonous theft of the life that you had and were ready to glide into happier times with the ones you held dear for the many a year in your futures. ____________________________________________________________________________ A little more understandable for the over-50 crowd. Sylvia

  • Abandoned

    Call Me Crazy

    They call me crazy cuz I smile a lot.
    They say I’m lazy but I'm really not.
    I just don’t fit into their pre-made slot.

    I’m not preoccupied with getting rich.
    I don’t have snake oil, nor some clever pitch.
    I’m simply looking for my own sweet niche.

    Some people wonder what my angle is.
    They try to bust me like some lame pop quiz.
    But in the end what’s mine is my own biz.

    So even though I try to mind my own,
    I soon discover that I’m not alone,
    And like someone defunct, I’ve been knocked prone.

    Although this feeling is a bit surreal.
    And their attacks belie that they’re puerile,
    I’ll triumph in the end cuz I’m for real.

  • Abandoned

    You Push Me Away

    I touch your arm
    Gentle fingers
    Against the center
    Of my universe
    My movements disturb you
    You push me away

    I wake up and stretch
    You’re still in bed
    Though not asleep
    I smile
    And move to kiss you
    My movements annoy you
    You push me away

    I had a tough night at work
    I make it home
    Still frustrated
    Through low light
    I see you sleeping
    My heart feels lighter
    I kiss your cheek
    And forehead
    My movements surprise you
    You push me away

    I know you’re feeling stressed
    It hurts to see you
    I decide to make you breakfast
    I take it to you
    You weren’t in the mood for eggs
    You decide to make your own
    My movements disgust you
    You push me away

    I promised I’d always love you
    Your smile hangs
    In it's place in my mind
    Your touch
    Your honesty
    What drew me to you
    Still enchant me
    I'll always love you
    But since my movements don’t please you
    You've pushed me away

  • JWdaughter

    Accidental Touches is my favorite.

    Missed you, glad you are back (((((abandoned)))))you are always loved and welcome here. I wish you had a different SN, yours sounds so lonely, and so does your poetry. Its beautiful though. Don't be a stranger!


  • Abandoned
    Accidental Touches is my favorite.

    Missed you, glad you are back (((((abandoned)))))you are always loved and welcome here. I wish you had a different SN, yours sounds so lonely, and so does your poetry. Its beautiful though. Don't be a stranger!


    Accidental touches was for a contest. It was loosely based on someone I was interested in at the time. I thing I was a runner-up in the contest. Anyway, yeah, I guess my poetry does have a touch of loneliness. But that's the way life is for me. I don't mean it's necessarily a bad thing, just my circumstances and so what I feel comfortable writing about. Like when someone loses their leg in an accident. There life has been indeliably marked, changed. Even if they overcome their disability, they are still minus one limb from the rest of us. It's like that with me and loneliness. My situation makes loneliness a necessity. It's not necessarily a bad thing and I have a lot of writer friends and online friends and such but loneliness will always be there. It used to be something I hated that brought me pain and sorrow. Now it's my friend.

    As for being a stranger. I guess I was rude to a lot of people by disappearing but I just couldn't take one more JW conversation. I was sick of god, jesus, religion, and all those who talk about it. Just part of my journey I guess. I still don't have much use for religion, but having once been religious and that having been as a jehovah's witness, I realized that I do need to keep in touch with those around me who also suffered through that horror and are now trying to heal.

    Thanks for your concern and kind words.

  • fifi40

    Abandoned they are sooooo really tickle the imagination and tell a story........good luck with them


  • Abandoned


    I wash the dishes.
    You rewash them.
    "You're worthless!"
    Said without words.

    Beautiful bouquet of
    Bright, fall flowers.
    Sent just because.
    "Who the HELL arranged them?"

    "I love you honey!"
    Scribbled on a note,
    Hidden to surprise you.
    Your hurtful words surprise ME.

    The lawn's mowed.
    The kitchen's clean.
    The clothes are put away,
    Yet your anger remains.

    Focused but maudlin,
    I rummage through
    My meager belongings,
    As I pack them to leave. Love Pains Little, tiny face slaps dominate my world,
    Ever since the moment you became my girl.
    The swats are mostly painless – so I just turn my cheek.
    I guess I’m way too timid – I guess I’m way too meek.

    I take you to the movies – you always choose the show.
    I’d rather watch what you like, and see your face aglow.
    Oops, I spilled the popcorn – it’s all across the floor.
    So now here comes the eye roll that cuts me to the core.

    We pass another milestone – I send you a bouquet,
    Of lovely, bright, Fall flowers – perhaps a bit cliché.
    In eager expectation I sit down by the phone.
    Instead of adulation you call just to bemoan.

    I’m not quite sure you notice. I’m not quite sure you see,
    How much your little gestures have emasculated me.
    I beg you to examine, implore you to observe.
    The pain your actions cause me if our love we’re to preserve. Hands Off! Searing torrents of molten asphalt
    swelter inside my chest.
    The catalyst that sparked
    this raging inferno,
    your words
    still pound inside my head.
    Blank-faced, devoid of emotion,
    you offer an embrace.

    Hands off!

    Desire for reconciliation
    mocks my pain.
    Dreams of a white picket fence,
    grandkids gathered around,
    a collection of priceless, dime-store baubles,
    dissipate in smoke.
    Adorned in ignorance,
    you reach to touch my face.

    Hands off!

    Comfort and pleasure,
    desire and fulfillment,
    memories of contact,
    burrow into my mind.
    Herculean temptation,
    overpowers my will.
    ~ Almost ~

    Hands off! Yeah but No You say you really want me, but then you treat me bad.
    You vow to show you love me, but all you are is mad.
    You want us to continue, to give it one more go.
    Oh man you almost had me. Prolong this? "Yeah but No."

    It’s true I’m not Prince Charming; my faults I know quite well.
    But sharing life with someone, it shouldn’t feel like hell.
    When two hearts come together, the two should be aglow.
    So now you want commitment? "I’m sorry, yeah but no."

    Do you recall our first date? The night seemed to zoom by.
    A movie and then talking - your porch under the sky.
    I thought you really wanted to cause something to grow.
    But since you don’t respect me. Continue? "Yeah but no."

    To fall in love is easy. To stay in love is hard.
    Two must maintain a vigil, and always keep on guard.
    Or in the early hours, a tragedy may show.
    Since I alone am wakeful, combat it? "Yeah but no."

    I told you that I loved you. I promised with a ring.
    I said that I would write you, a song that I would sing.
    But I have lost my balance, and you have left me low.
    So cry your precious eyes out. Affect me? "Yeah but no."

  • blueviceroy

    I wish I had a poem , a little slice of soul

    To dish out to the hungry , to complete the hole

    But all I have are words ,that point and run away

    I don't don't have the lyric, nothing wise to say

    I wish that I could love your pain , take it for my self

    never let you shed a tear ,or forget your wealth

    We are all like diamonds ,hard with many facets

    undiscovered we are plain ,refined we are pricless

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