Have You Divorced And/Or Remarried- What Did You Learn From It ?

by flipper 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    GRYPH- Good post ! Thanks! I agree with you 19 is way too young to marry. I was 19 the first time also. The organization tries to tell you everything will work out fine, just put Jehovah first ! But what if 2 people are not compatible ? Then all the Jehovah you want to put in the marriage won't save it. I'm glad you found a good man and are happy !

    FREYD- We all learn something from divorce, glad you learned what you needed.

    MOMOCHAN- 13- Yes, when you bring 2 sets of children or even 1 set of children into a marriage it can be very difficult having to deal with someone's ex ! And trying to get fair treatment of your own children ! Been there, done that ! Peace

    KATIE KITTEN- A lot of us got married too young, including myself ! Divorce does have it's benefits at times though as you say ! Both people can move on with their lives and find someone who they are more compatible with ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • sf

    Hmmm, not sure how my mom would answer that. Most likely, fabricated.

    I mean, what does one learn from divorcing her childrens father then years later marrying a man who disfellowships all of her children?

    The better question would be, how does a woman do this and still breath the same air as her children still do, willingly and absolutely?

    Like I said, hmmmm.

    Shame has become more of the emotion I feel toward her of late. She's truly pitiful.


  • flipper

    SF- I'm so sorry you went through your situation with your mom. I understand your feelings of anger towards her. Hope you find some peace friend ! Peace to you, Mr. Flipper

  • helncon

    My situation is a little unusual but i have known other who have been through the same.
    I married my non-jw b/f at the age of 18 1/2 he was 19 1/2 so we were young.

    He wasn't the first b/f i had but my first 'partner' all was good for a few years we had our daughter the basically one day i came home and said i no longer love you any more and we split up, 6 months later i started living with another guy for about 3 years.We divorce 12 months later.

    That ended then i ahd a few casual relationships then i met another guy who we were together for about 10 months.

    My ex hubby was living with someone for a few years as well.

    Come mid 2002 we started talking again and both had different outlook in life and we decided that he was going to move in downstairs to help look after our daughter while i was at work and i guess things snowballed from there.

    We now have been back together since jan 2003 and have 2 children together.

    Life is good and we get on so well.

    I guess we needed the break to get ourselves sorted.


  • flipper

    HELEN- What a nice story. Wow! Talking about rounding the long, large mountain to get back a relationship ! I'm glad it worked out for ya sis! I'm glad you are happy, and that's what counts ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • helncon

    thanks mr flipper,

    You know its weird sometimes when you explain to people on our situation.

    I know of other go there would be no way i'd be going back to the ex...

    But i guess in the long run it was just meant to be.


  • flipper

    Well Helen, sometimes if two people were meant to be together , but not at a particular time early on in the relationship, if they wait and both mature later, it might work out like you guys did! Just takes time sometimes ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Sassy

    I learned to not put men first in my life.. They can come and go in our lives, but friends are around for the long haul..

    Sad.. to think that way isn't it?

    I've been married twice.. engaged twice more... and now in a 4 yr (I thought it was five!.. miscounted) relationship.. We were broke apart recently for two months... I'll admit I like being in a relationship.. however, I have also learned I am happy alone as well...

    The one thing is I have been skittish to remarry after two failed marriages.. thus why I have been with this guy for 4 yrs and not accepted as of yet, a marriage proposal.. but we do live together

  • UnConfused

    Hey Sassy, have you lost weight?

  • flipper

    SASSY- I think a man can be your best friend as well as a lover. I know of women who feel men can only be in a romantic relationship , but not be best friends because they only have females as their best friends! I hope your relationship develops with your guy where you would trust him as much or more than your girlfriends too ! It will help solidify your relationship! Or enhance it

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