
by Veganmama 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    Welcome veganmama. Enjoy your little ones. They don't stay small long!

    <-------------- omnivore. Though I've switched up at least one dinner a week to vegetarian. Do you have any good "complete protein" recipes to share?

  • Veganmama

    Wow, you are all so nice! Thanks for the welcomes!

    Yes, I am a vegetarian(vegan) and I have lots of high protien recipes to share! Let me know if you want me to share some jgnat.

    I've actually had some JW's come to my door...and they keep coming because I don't know how to tell them to leave me alone. When they leave I get this major guilty feeling...even though I know I haven't done anything wrong lol. Must be the brainwashing .

  • jgnat

    Thanks for checking in, veganmama. Yes, please do share a recipe or two.

    Now, as for having JW's come to the door, there are a few ways to get rid of them. You do have to be prepared to be firm and direct. The most direct way is to tell them that you want to be placed on the "do not call" list. If you want to play with them a little, you might say that you've been doing some research on the internet and you have a few questions. Hold up a stack of paper an inch or two high.

    This particular printout seems to have a particularly violent effect.

  • JK666


    Welcome to JWD!


  • DJK


  • LeslieV

    We would love recipes. I am not a vegetarian, but my teens are.


  • jgnat

    LeslieV, I did not want my teen to be a vegetarian! It's tough enough to get a teen to eat a healthy variety as it is, and she definitely did not need to be any skinnier! She'd read radical animal rights literature and wanted to stop eating meat on humanitarian grounds.

    I went on the hunt for the other side of the story, and our local Agriculture department really came through. They had brochures and videos describing the challenges of animal husbandry (rather than rights). A smart farmer takes care of his animals and makes sure they are healthy and happy for the simple reason that healthy animals will produce better.

    So I brought the brochures home.

    Then, every time she started to make noises about becoming a vegetarian, I cooked bacon.

    Worked every time.

    Now, on the other hand, I am now convinced that as omnivores we do not need to eat meat every day. Our portions in North America are far too large. So I am experimenting with a fully vegetarian meal at least once a week, and I am using smaller portions of meat in my stews and sauces.

  • bluebell

    Welcome! I was a jw until i was in my 20's my hubby doesn't really get it either - unless you were in it or married to a dub it is hard to understand how a religion could have such effects on people who don't even believe any of it anymore!

  • momzcrazy

    Welcome vegan!!!

    I have 3 kids two girls 12 and 9, one boy 2. My husband left the borg(organization) 8 years ago, I left last month.

    Hope you like it here as much as I do. These are great people.

  • Veganmama

    Thanks for the info! I'll try to be firm next time. I try to just get quiet and pretend not to e home...which then makes me feel weird because I'm now on the other side. I remember going door to door and knowing people were pretending not to be home LOL!

    I'll post some recipes soon. :)

    I actually believe that humans are naturally herbivors but I hate debating so

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