I got shunned yesterday

by loosie 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • freeme
    I got shunned by a witness who before I faded was a life long friend. Can you believe it was at my son's engagement party. She said '' I can't talk to you until you get some help from the elders.'' It was quite an eye opener to my relatives who are all non witnesses. I was able to point out to them that this is what happens if you join their religeon then decide to leave.

    its simply incredible what "religion" can do to ppl. there very fine friends and ppl in the org (i know them because we were friends since childhood), but when the switch is turned they go hating for no reason and feel right with it. its simply incredible.

  • lisavegas420

    After reading this thread, I had a flash back of being an active JW and seeing people at stores that I hadn't seen for a long time, sometimes it had been years. JW's that I thought they moved away. Or something much worse, according to the gossip.....But there they are..looking normal and happy. In most cases looking better than they ever looked before..... WTH???? It's a frightening experience.


  • Veganmama
    lol oompa. I'll get a knock on the door anytime now. I hope they don't trip over my jack-o-lanterns

    This made me laugh!!! I'm a "fader" too. I get JW's at my door quite often *sigh*.

  • Gryph

    LOL I got that about a week ago. I was at a local convenience store talking to some of the employees there (I used to work there as well) when I noticed one of the elders from my parents hall. I had already made my purchases and walked over to say hello. LOL It was too damn funny, I had forgotten that I bought cigarettes (I was never baptized an so never Df'd or da'd) but he looked at me, looked at my purchase in my hand and promptly walked out the door.

  • bem

    Walmart does seem to be the meeting place, my most recent crash came about there, a sis' decided to take it upon herself and tell me I was worrying another sis' to death I needed to get in touch with her ASAP, I was taken aback for one that she spoke, so I was too stunned to really respond correctly, Aftewards it "dawned" * on me everything about the face-to-face was her way of trying to intimidate me. She looked me in the eye walked past me then came back to tell me what I must do! NOW I am angry over it because of the" I shoulda saids"...... coming to mind right and left!! esepecially over something that is not her buisness.

    Everything about this woman was mean* or trying to be, from her body language to her, facial expression, tone of voice. this woman owns one of those loan places where they loan you money and the payback is with about 30% interest, I never used her in a buisness sense because I think they are rip offs (But then if others wanna borrow from them so be it).....anyway I can just imagine how she treats customers who owe money.

    Dorothy== who is kicking herself for being caught off guard and not having a reply ready

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