Everyone say hi to VoidEater

by Gopher 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • horrible life
    horrible life


    Your name reminds me of a movie. The Langoliers. Movie about a plane of people, time warp, what happenes to yesterday. Spooky!!!!!

  • changeling



  • sooner7nc

    Hi Mr. Eater

  • VoidEater

    Wow, I didn't expect such an introduction. Thank you kindly. I will try to respond to things I have some experience with...hopefully in a thoughtful way, and maybe with not too many typo's...

    I'll try to post some of my background with the organization (when I get more than a couple moments to rub together), but basically I have experience with disfellowshipping, disassociation, and sexual abuse/activity within the organization. I've seen some pretty interesting ways some elders can use teachings to get their own way (my fave: an elder committed adultery so as to have a scriptual basis to divorce his wife, successfully arguing that the organization didn't say which part had to commit the sin), virtually every male member of my extended family is an elder or pioneer.

    I was born in the Truth (...let's just call it about 1960), third generation, and have seen the culture and teachings through a few decades and in a few different cities and states.

    As you might guess from my presence here, I do not attend meetings. No action has been brought against me personally. Amazingly, despite my firm convictions (which do not match the Society's), I have not been shunned by any but one relative (due to my father's self-disassociation, an interesting status).

    More to come, I'm sure - and thank you again, Gopher!

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Welcome BlackHole, err, VoidEater!!!

    Look forward to hearing more from you, including the thoughts behind your Username.

    Open Mind

  • Clam

    Welcome Brother VoidEater.

    May your stay be a very long and happy one.

  • coffee_black

    Welcome VoidEater.


  • sweetstuff

    Welcome Void!

  • Dagney

    Greetings Voideater and 'Welcome!'

    I look forward to your comments.

  • stillajwexelder

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