Your Opinion: Worst action/aspect of WTBS?

by feenx 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    For me it was the Malawi situation. There was no justification at all for that. Money/abuse I can understand, people are people. To just ignore a obvious inconsistency where people are being KILLED is almost unforgivable in my mind.

  • yknot


    Of money and power to the point of bloodguiltiness, blasphemy, and I pretty sure "sinning against the Spirit"

  • mentalclearness

    As a mother, the pedophile cases have been really bad. Even the current policy is ridiculous. I think all families should be warned if there is a pedophile in their midst.

  • feenx

    wow, some very awesome thoughts so far! Awake and Watching: I was listening to that song this morning on the way to work, totally a great application. Blueblades: That is quite an inciteful thought. I've never thought of it in that sense, that a solitary belief has led to so many actions that have affected millions of people for over a century. I suppose it goes to show the power of even just one thought or belief, regardless of whether it's right or wrong.

  • Vinny

    The blood and fraction pathetic unscriptural policy forced on all JW's even if death results.

    The fact that one cannot disagree with any current WT teachings.

    Shunning those that disassociate from the JW's without practicing sin.

    Believing that they alone are the "one true faith" and all others are false and to be destroyed soon.

    Keeping JW membership in the dark as to its sorry past.


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Don't forget MuffinEggs in the 80's.

    Water boarding is nothing compared to being forced to gag down one of those things.

  • wings

    they strain out the knat and swallow the camel...

  • lavendar

    The LIE that they are "God's only channel". They will be held accountable someday......

  • stillajwexelder

    If you are TRULY Christ like - all other things, abuse, DFing, cover ups all fall into place. Christ just would not have done any of those things

  • 4mylove

    Not having grown up a JW or ever practicing, I would have to say shunning, disfellowshipping, or any aspect of them separating families. Growing up in a tight knit family, that is veeeerrryyy hard for me to comprehend.


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