trick or treating

by teejay 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • lisaBObeesa

    Um, teejay, I think it means, 'give me a treat or I'll play a trick on you'........

    am I wrong?


  • larc


    As you have seen from several posts, most people just consider it an opportunity to have a good time. Even the adults who can't go door to door any more, will enjoy adult Holloween parties, and have a wonderful time. That is all it is, a chance to have fun.

  • bigboi
    The "trick or treat" expression is not an honest opening to a free and friendly dialog. It is "extortion". Look up the word and find me a better one. EXTORTION is what it is, clear and simple.

    Alright, you got me. Ya damn right I ain't want no ghattdamn tricks! Just treats! Ol Miss Johnson used to try to pull that crap, on us back in the day. Well...let's just say the yr after her lil stunt she was all tooooo happy to have my Snickers ready when we got to the door.

    And oh... btw... there IS no Santa Clause. Hate to burst your bubble.

    WHAT?!!!!! Well who in the hell ate my milk and cookies?@!!!!!

    never been afraid to say what's on my mind at any given time of day, cause i'm a renegade

    never been afraid to holla about anything, anything?, ANYTHING!!!!

  • teejay

    Alright, you got me. Ya damn right I ain't want no ghattdamn tricks! Just treats! Ol Miss Johnson used to try to pull that crap, on us back in the day. Well...let's just say the yr after her lil stunt she was all tooooo happy to have my Snickers ready when we got to the door.


    I want you to know that it took me a long time to stop laughing after I read that. Funny... as... hell.

    Did she have your Snickers ready the next year, Bruh? You GO, Miss Johnson. Your mamma didn't raise no fool!

    Haven't laughed like that in a while. Thanks.


    I think it means, 'give me a treat or I'll play a trick on you'........ am I wrong?

    You might be right.

    I was five the last (only) time I went and have forgotten the rules. In case you ARE right, what kinds of "tricks" can the sweet, little innocents play on the extorted?


    Hallaween is a gas!

    That's what I've heard. A buddy (raised jw) told me he's never had so much fun as taking his kids trick-or-treating. "Dude, we missed out," he said. I think he had more fun than the kids. Probably did.

    Later, y'all.

  • lisaBObeesa

    "In case you ARE right, what kinds of "tricks" can the sweet, little innocents play on the extorted?"

    I'm not sure, but I think it has to do with large amounts of TP and possibly some eggs........But I really wouldn't know......


  • larc


    Some of the tricks used in the olden days before your time were to take soap and push it across the windows to mark them up, take toilet paper and teepee a tree and tip over out houses.

  • Ranchette

    Of all the holidays, for me Halloween has the least appeal.

    I have a memory of going trick-or-treating once, at my "worldly" father's insistence (he roasted peanuts in the oven for the door-knockers... I remember), about the time my mom learned the truth. I must've been about five years old.

    Despite the fact that I'm a hard-core agnostic and a fear of gods or demons are a non-issue, I still have trouble encouraging kids -- under the guise of costumes and fun -- of extorting treats from neighbors.

    Can I get a witness? Have I been too indoctrinated?

    Yes, you were indoctronted.
    Here's your witness,

    When I was a Witness and even when I wasn’t and still believed in the Bible I had a major problem with Halloween.
    I felt there was no justification for celebrating this holiday and claim to be Christian. (Miss self-righteous!)

    Now, I’m not a Witness and I don’ t believe the Bible is divinely inspired by God and I no longer fear spirits or the Devil, so Halloween seems fun to me now, but only the kinder side of it.
    I do not promote blood and gore to my children.I've decorated our home for Fall,pumpkins,decorative corn baskets, candles and so on...

    I am letting my son stay for the Halloween Party at school Wednesday for the first time ever.They will dress up that evening and we will have our first Halloween.
    I have plenty of candy ready for the trick-or-treaters.
    Not one ounce of guilt here.

    I am also making treat bags for my son’s whole classes that afternoon for his class party.

    I will be dressed as a cat that day because the Ladies'I club I belong to will be feeding the Lyons Club for lunch.
    We will dress in Halloween costumes and decorate etc…

    PARTY, PARTY, PARTY!!!!!!!!

    We as a family are so happy to be free!!!
    We are living now.

    P.S. Today, I volunteered at my son’s school for their “SAY NO TO DRUGS” program.
    I had to dress as a clown and hand out cake and stickers to the entire school at lunch.
    That was a blast!
    It was so funny to see their reactions and give them the attention they were craving.
    These new experiences are wonderful because I finally feel alive!

    Happy Halloween!!!!


  • GentlyFeral
    I still have trouble encouraging kids -- under the guise of costumes and fun -- of extorting treats from neighbors.

    The "trick or treat" expression is not an honest opening to a free and friendly dialog. It is "extortion". Look up the word and find me a better one. EXTORTION is what it is, clear and simple.

    Looks like you made up your mind even before you asked the question. So why play the game if you don't approve of the rules?

    Usually I'm much more benign and less snippy when extolling the holidays to xjw's. But Halloween -- Samhain -- is even more sacred to me than I realized before I read your post.

    The whole point of this holiday shtik is to begin by stripping out everything that is meaningless to you. Good luck.


  • individuals wife
    individuals wife

    Halloween is one day of the year that I do not personally look forward to and I do not encourage my kids to participate.... yeah, yeah, I know, stick in the mud... But I know of elderly people who feel like virtual prisoners in their own homes on Halloween, sitting in the dark so it looks like they are out, hoping they dont get called on, scared stiff of answering the door to a gang of scary kids who just use the opportunity to intimidate and frighten them into handing over cash. I know that a lot of people see this as a nice activity for children to get involved in but personally I would not be happy for mine to be walking around in the dark knocking on strangers doors.... I think we have all had enough of knocking on strangers doors as it is!! In the past few years I have had a neighbour who had wet toilet paper stuffed up his car exhaust pipe just because he did not open his front door - he wasnt even home. Also I have heard of nasty things being put through letter boxes and plant pots and tubs being tipped over. These days Halloween just seems to be an excuse for the nasty kids to do nasty things and get away with them because of 'tradition'. Maybe it is different where everyone else lives but here it seems to bring out the worst in the kids.

  • nelly136

    I dont like it either, its only really started over here in the last few years and it drives me nuts, the first trick or treaters here started a week ago, as soon as halloweens done with they'll be pennying for a guy (give em pennies and you get 'the look') then as soon as thats over it'll be the two line carol singers that cant hold a tune and dont know the words,
    if they stuck to the dates it wouldnt be so bad but they do like to start early,
    I dont mind my kids going to parties or joining in organised festive fun but the thought of them going to strangers doors to ask for sweets/money from strangers goes against everything I teach them the rest of the year, some of the little kids that turn up on my door are so young unattended and often on their own with no adult in sight, quite often I'll say 'does your mum know youre doing this?' and I get the blank look,
    perhaps its left overs from my childhood being dragged round doors begging for pence for the latest watchtower/awake, but I'll just have to say bah humbug on this one,

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