Shunning is Officially Psychological Torture!!

by Maddie 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Maddie

    I found an interesting article in the Wikipedia encyclopedia. It actually states that "Shunning" is used as a method of psychological torture.

    Psychological torture is less well known than physical torture and tends to be subtle and much easier to conceal. In practice the distinction between physical and psychological torture are often blurred. Physical torture is the inflicting of severe pain or suffering on a person. In contrast, psychological torture is directed at the psyche with calculated violations of psychological needs, along with deep damage to psychological structures and the breakage of beliefs underpinning normal sanity. Torturers often inflict both types of torture in combination to compound the associated effects. [citation needed]

    Psychological torture also includes deliberate use of extreme stressors and situations such as mock execution, shunning, violation of deep-seated social or sexual norms and taboos, or extended solitary confinement. Because psychological torture needs no physical violence to be effective, it is possible to induce severe psychological pain, suffering, and trauma with no externally visible effects

    The article goes on to say why people are capable of administering psychological torture to other people. Research over the past 50 years shows tha, under the right circumstances and with the appropriate encouragement and setting, most people can be encouraged to torture others.

    Peer encouragement: to accept torture as necessary, acceptable or deserved, or to comply from a wish to not reject peer group beliefs.

    Disinhibition : socio-cultural and situational pressures may cause torturers to undergo a lessening of moral inhibitions and as a result act in ways not normally countenanced by law, custom, conscience.

    Organisationally : like many other procedures, once torture becomes established as part of internally acceptable norms under certain circumstances, it's use often becomes institutionalised and self- perpetuating over time, as what was once used exceptionally for perceived necessity finds more reasons claimed to justify wider use.

    This article could have been written exclusively about the WT to my way of thinking. If the use of such methods are classed as psychological torture then why aren't they made a crime when used by religious organisations? I can't get my head around this one, even though I know about the "religious freedom" thing.


  • sweetstuff

    It should be a crime, but it won't become one anytime soon. The tax revenue alone generated by cults like the WTF WTS keeps many mouths shut. Money talks. If government started delving into all this, it would cost them money to investigate, to form committees, to fight legal battles when they are sued for not allowing freedom of religion, etc. They would rather not have the headache, that's my theory anyway. The minority are never a priority.


    I'm with you Maddie - I don't get it either.

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    Very interesting, Maddie, thanks for posting. I can personally relate to much of what this is can countless others.

  • Mary
    Sweetstuff said: The tax revenue alone generated by cults like the WTF WTS keeps many mouths shut. Money talks.

    Tax revenue? Crooklyn doesn't pay tax hon, at least as far as I know, they don't. They're registered as a "charity" and as a religion, their exempt from having to pay taxes. That's why they went to the 'donation' arrangment years ago: they were going to have to pay/charge tax on the religious books and magazines that they sold, and they didn't want to do that.

    I've long thought that shunning should be illegal. It is absolutely dispicable and is indeed a form of psychological torture. Hasn't bullying become 'illegal' in many States? Shunning isn't much different and I think we may yet see the day when it DOES become illegal.....

  • Maddie

    Mary - I am going to try and find out if there is any legal crime in using psychological torture in the form of shunning. I have a friend who is a lawyer so I will see what she has to say about it and come back here with any information. It could turn out to be a non-starter but at least I can try.


  • candidlynuts
    Organisationally : like many other procedures, once torture becomes established as part of internally acceptable norms under certain circumstances, it's use often becomes institutionalised and self- perpetuating over time, as what was once used exceptionally for perceived necessity finds more reasons claimed to justify wider use.

    Maddie do you have a link to the article?

    the above quote very much resembles the watchtower society, it used to be that disfellowshipped ones were the only ones shunned.. now it encompasses inactive people, people "marked" by special talks, or family members that arent towing the line. etc. .

    Those of us that have been shunned KNOW it is torture. those that shun feel like they're making God happy by their actions and feel self righteous and totally justified in their torture.

  • sweetstuff
    Crooklyn doesn't pay tax hon

    Perhaps I am majorly mistaken, but I checked into the Canadian Income Tax Records of JW's in Canada a couple years ago, and I thought they did indeed pay some revenue taxes, despite being a "charity". Because although they are a "charity" they still have to pay tax on holdings, properties, etc. Maybe I am way off base. If I am, I apoligize.

  • Maddie
  • flipper

    MADDIE- These psychological terrorist ploys are not made a crime in religious groups and/ or the Jehovah's Witnesses because of a little thing we call control. To be more specific, " cult mind control " . You have heard the expression used, " that it's who has the biggest toys, is the one who calls the shots ". Well, it's the same in Brooklyn with the Watchtower/ Jehovah's Witness society or whatever the hell they call themselves these days ! If they can control the rank and files minds to believe they are really benefitting from hearing their BS , then they have won half the battle ! It's like the members don't even know they are being decieved and are convinced that shunning is the proper course for anybody considered "faithful " to the sick cults shunning methods ! So, the society gradually convinces the members to see this as a means to discipline former members and teach them a lesson so they will come groveling back in ! Crazy $hit ! It's like slowly turning the heat up on a frog in a boiling pot of water. If it's done gradually with the heat slowly being turned up, the frog does not notice it ! Before he knows it, he is cooked, done, dead. It is and will continue to be that way with the mind control of the witnesses. Not much we can do about it, but be a voice in protest in the wind ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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