Step-Daughter Farks up Halloween.....

by MinisterAmos 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dorktacular

    Here in Georgia, we have a lot of crazy baptists who don't beleive in trick or treat because "Haloween is Evil" but yet they have a "Fall Festival" at their respective churches on Haloween where kids dress up in costumes and get candy and there are pumpkins. It's kind of like celebrating Chrismas, except with an oak tree in the living room.

    Anyway..... my daughter, wife, niece and sister in law are out with trick or treating and some crazy baptist-type-looney tune is out in the street accosting the kids telling them they're evil!

    That lady was lucky that I was back at our house handing out candy and not out with the kids. There's no telling what might have happened - to her! Damn, I had to spend my whole childhood under the oppressive thumb of the JWs, I'll be damned if some "Bah Humbug" type old crone is going to spoil Haloween for my kid! Harumph!

  • lovelylil


    I am a Christian and I agree with you about Halloween. When I finally researched this "holiday" myself instead of taking other people opinions on it (mostly misguided Christians), I saw that it has NOTHING to do with Satan or Satanism. So now I celebrate it with joy!

    I would suggest that others do the research themselves, so thanks for posting the link. Lilly


    Your stepdaughter was taught (by her mom or both you and her mom) that Halloween is wrong. Now just because you feel it's ok, doesn't mean she has to share your beliefs. She's a teenager and has grown up in this belief system. It's not going to be easy. Learn to pick yor fights. The best way is to reason with her. Putting her on punishment and making an issue of handing out candy defeats the purpose. Did her decision not to hand out candy stop her sister from going out trick or treating? It should not have. My daughter is 22 years old and I haven't celebrated Christmas since she was a toddler. I attend church services but she doesn't. I'm waiting until she comes home from college to feel her out in regards to putting up Christmas decorations. My goal is to reason with her and help her understand the dangers of WTS teachngs. I worry it may not be advantageous to froce her to celebrate the holidays until she is ready.

  • BabaYaga

    When I was in my mid-twenties and NEVER going back, I still had a hard time with Halloween. It was pretty much my last-hold-out, I think (but I LOVE it now!!!)

    Yes... what others have pointed out... she is a CHILD who thinks she is an adult, you grounding her for such a thing just assures he that she is SUFFERING for "Jehovah", she will get PLENTY of sympathy from the cult throng...

    It seems that a little patience and a LOT of respect would have worked far, far better... in every facet of your family's life.


  • Warlock

    If she's a Dub, why did you expect her to behave like a non-Dub?

    I don't get it.


  • bluesapphire

    You mentioned putting the candy on the doorstep? Why didn't you just do that? I don't get what the big deal was, especially calling your step-daughter the "B" word!

    My husband has called my girls that word before. Things in our relationship took a LOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGG time to settle down after that event. My mother instincts took full swing and I might as well have been a lioness on the prowl. Long story short, he didn't get much luvin' after that. So don't be surprised if your wife takes her daughter's side in this fiasco.

    Anyhoo, it wouldn't have been such a big deal even if you respected her "consciencious objection" and turned the porch lights off and didn't give out candy.

  • The Lone Ranger
    The Lone Ranger

    My point is "we are not here to like everything that the WTS hates", give her freedom to choose and respect that, don’t shove your beliefs down her throat just like the WTS has shoved there beliefs down ours, you’ll only be as dogmatic and they have being.

    And also, I cannot see how a celebration that involves witches’ and magic can be celebrated by anyone who considers themsleves Christian, but that my opinion, maybe its her's also. I know atheists who feel its weird Celebration.

  • momzcrazy

    I have to come to ministers defense. You said in your original post, "This is not what we agreed". Did she agree to participate by handing the candy out? I don't agree with calling her the B word, even though I understand your frustration. This may have nothing to do with her being raised to hate Halloween. Was it maybe a way to piss you off by messing up something you were really looking forward to? If so, I wouldn't have let her see how mad I was and went out trick or treating anyway. She couldn't ruin that part of it.

    And Sirona, thanks for bringing attention to the original festival of Samhain. In my research I found it to be a lovely, meaningful festival.

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