Hypothetical scenario...

by The Last Nephilim 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • primitivegenius

    FACT: i know someone who did just this very thing. he was dfed in another country, immigrated to the us and when he inevitably got called on responded and got baptised........ a year or so later is ms............. then he said something to an elder that made him start thinking.............

    this guy said he never heard of jws before when he first got called on in the states........ then later on spoke about how they did things in his country of origin.................. these same brothers were apparently considering him for elder............... idiot couldnt keep his mouth shut long enough and when questioned broke and told them everything........ dfed instantly for being unrepentant...................

    i wish he would have continuted untill he was super elder........ then assistant circuit overseer..............

    then full time circuit overseer............. then district............................... then meet someone from his old cong

    anyone wanna try that? lol.......... not for all the money in the world myself

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