Do Witnesses REALLY Care About Other People?

by minimus 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • blueviceroy

    Being able to love , and to be loved allows us to no longer care about the percieved shortcomings of other human beings

    We all have constructs in ourself that curtail selflessness or altruism, to believe that a person who lives through a fear induced belief is capable of feeling a true uncrippled or selfless love is just allowing room for a self loving superior type of thing to move in to oneself

    not really condusive to healing those bad feelings , it just allows us to purpatrate the hate

    Understanding ones own motives for seeking comfort in a system of beliefs is far more satisfying and will give the answer about whether or not JWs really care about others.

  • Dorktacular

    I was raised a JW. From a young age we were all taught to shun the world and not have any dealings with it. So, you grow up with an attitude that you shouldn't care about them, because they're all bad and God doesn't approve of them. Why help bad people?

  • ush419

    thats a negative on your interrogative. They don't care about anyone but themselves. the society won't allow them to care about anyone but the Society and "wordly" people aren't cared for at all unless its for the possibility of a book study!!!

  • jaguarbass

    Honestly, i think that most Jehovah's Witnesses care about themselves more than anyone else. Their self-sacrifcing love is not readily apparent.

    As far as I can tell that is the way everyone is. The witnesses are just a little more obvious in their insincerity.

    People are motivated by desires. The desire and pursuit of it make the person feel good.

    You think about something and keep thinking about it and it becomes an obsession or a desire. Often the pursuit, or trip is more enjoyable than the destination or journey. It's a collection of electrical energy, low voltage.

    Some might start thiniking, I will deny myself and do for others, till this becomes a obsession, desire and they start pursuing it or acting on it. Still this is selfishness.

    But other selfish humans, which we all are, smile and encourage this kind of selfishness in others.

    Maybe in our selfishness we think some of that persons twisted obsession will benefit us.

  • flipper

    Only if they become believers in the witnesses beliefs ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • LoverOfTruth

    Most of the JWs I knew had Disdain and felt Superior to Non-JWs

  • WTWizard

    They care about what they can GET OUT of you. They don't give a fxxx about you.

  • Jourles

    This was something that I noticed immediately after I was df'd. Once I was officially gone, my entire attitude towards people started to change. It really bothered me for the longest time. Even today, I still have to fight my natural tendency to not care. When I say natural tendency, what I mean is, I was born into this blackhole religion and stayed in until I was 32. I'm 34 now. What others said about caring only for your own self as a jw is very true. What's in it for ME? When you're raised with that mindset it's hard to shake later on. I honestly feel that this is one of my worst traits. It takes a little while for me to become comfortable around people I don't know.

    I am trying more and more these days to consciously become more aware and in tune with the people I know so as to look out for their welfare. It's a slow process but I think I'm gaining some ground - ground that I never had growing up.

    thanks min for making me feel like crap for the night.

  • blondie

    11/15/07 WT p 22-3

    Show Loving Concern for People

    Jesus was concerned about people...had compassion for people, refreshing...attracted people.

    Jesus cared so much about people that he gave up needed rest in order to teach them...made Jesus more effective...

    If we have genuine concern for people, as Jesus and Paul did, we too may experience the joy of seeing the good news reach the hearts....(Blondie: see some become jws)

    Effective disciple-makers have a self-sacrificing not view the acquisition of wealth to be of utmost importance.

    Jesus recommended a simple way of life...requires much effort

    A disciple-maker generally strives to conduct a Bible study with an interested person every week...changed from full-time to part-time employment...

    Blondie: The focus is that jws that start studies show they care about many jws have studies with people other than their own children if that much?

  • oompa

    Dang it I hate it when you are wrong about something Mini, at least as far as this goes in my area:

    Mini: If you get sick or become elderly, forget it!

    We have a lot of sick and elderly and whenever one goes in the hospital or gets back, a plan is immediately implemnted for different ones to bring a big meal and visit briefly every day for as long is helpful.....I did it and it seemed really appreciated.....oompa....maybe that is just Southern Hospitality!

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