High Def TV ..This is bad

by Connaughty 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Clam
    I don't know what Bethel is going to do when the TV networks switch to that system.

    Maybe they expect the N ew System ä to be here before the new system.

  • Finally-Free
    Im satisfied with my picture, Im not satisfied with the fact that they are forcing us to buy much more expensive TV's.

    I'm satisfied with mine too. I guess they're tired of people buying TVs that last 10 years or more. I recently got rid of one that I had for 20 years. It was still working fine, I just didn't have the room for it any more.

    I can't see myself buying a HD TV in the near future. There's very little on TV that interests me anyway. It's a lot of money to spend just to see the same old stupidity with greater clarity.


  • Junction-Guy

    The TV manufacturers such as Sony and other stand to make a windfall on this.

  • zeroday
    It's a lot of money to spend just to see the same old stupidity with greater clarity.

    Actually with HDTV there are quite a few new channels with HD content exclusively nothing you would see anywhere else and with the HD quality signal it's amazing. I would agree with you if you were getting the same ole TV only in HD...

  • Finally-Free
    Actually with HDTV there are quite a few new channels with HD content exclusively nothing you would see anywhere else and with the HD quality signal it's amazing. I would agree with you if you were getting the same ole TV only in HD...

    When channel flipping I can still see what's available on the HD channels. I have yet to see a title that interests me. But then, I've never been much of a TV watcher. For me it's mostly for background noise while doing other things. If it weren't for my DVD collection I'd have little use for television. The only reason I have cable at all is for news and weather.


  • zeroday
    If it weren't for my DVD collection I'd have little use for television.

    Your DVD's will look much better on HDTV I have a large collection of DVD's also...

  • SnakesInTheTower


    (I think American broadcasters have to switch to digital transmission by 2009, which will require new sets or else cable or satellite hookups.)

    almost right...

    the broadcasters are ending the analog broadcasts and will continue digital broadcasts..you wil not require a new TV or satellite hookup.... if your TV is old analog only, you will have to get a special converter for the TV..which the govt is providing some sort of rebate for...dont know the cost yet. And, if you have digital TV already...you can get a rooftop digital antenna for aroun $100-150 online....different design than the old rooftop antennae....(and if you are close enough to the broadcast tower, a digital set of rabbit ears will work)

    and no one has to have an HD tv...just digital or the converter...etc...

    Snakes ()

  • zeroday

    This is just another evolution in technology. We went from cassetts to CD's, VHS to DVD, TV thru the airways to Cable. When I was growing up we had 3 TV stations and no remote control. Well actually we did me and my 2 brothers...

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Yes John Doe, but DVD's had a more practical side to them as they were smaller and dont need rewinding. Im satisfied with my picture, Im not satisfied with the fact that they are forcing us to buy much more expensive TV's.

    So JG, what do you like about the world, and who out there isn't trying to make you do something or pull one over on you?

  • inkling
    Maybe they expect the N ew System ä to be here before the new system.


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