Has anyone ever accidently left a child behind?

by pmouse 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • restrangled

    pmouse....he was an excpetionally quiet boy, and didn't cry out for us! He always let his older brother do all the talking. It gives me the chills when I think back on this episode. How easily he could have been snatched up and we never would have seen him again.


  • Jim_TX

    Once when a kiddo of about 6 years of age, I went to the local grocery store with my dad - who was sent there on an errand by my mom.

    When we got there, he went shopping, and I went over to the magazine rack - and picked up a comic book to read (we never bought comic books - we were too poor). The store had put out a couple of chairs to sit in, and I sat myself down to read. I figured that I would see my dad on his way out of the store, as the magazines were at the front of the store, and he would have to walk past on his way out. Or... he would see me there - and tell me it was time to leave.

    Well... after a bit... I realized that a lot of time had passed - and went to the door to look outside to see if the car was still there in the parking lot. It wasn't. YIKES!!!

    I did a minor panic routine - then realized that our home was only about 5 or 6 blocks away - down a busy street. I left the store - and started walking home.

    About half-way home, my dad came driving back - down the street, turned the car around, and picked me up. He made some joke out of it like, "Are you lost?" or some such.

    I can just imagine the stern talking-to that he got when my mom realized that I didn't come back with him.


    Jim TX

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