Non-traditional marriage proposal -- she ask him?

by merfi 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • IP_SEC

    It wouldnt bother me.

  • eclipse

    My friend did that, only she did it as an ultimatum, ''marry me or we break up''. They had been dating about 1 year off and on.

    He said no, (was very scared of marriage) and she broke up with him.

    A few weeks later he broke down, and said, yes, I want to marry you.

    She was eccstactic that they are now engaged. I think she just wanted to be engaged and plan a wedding.

    She's also quite young.

    I agree with one poster, as long as it's not a ''pushy'' proposal, I don't see why not.

  • DJK

    One year into dating my second wife; we were dancing one night. She whispered in my ear,"When are we getting married"?

    I replied, "If thats a proposal, I accept". Six months later we were married.


  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic

    I think a man would be just as thrilled to be proposed to. I wish you the best.

    Go for it!

  • Dorktacular

    Whatever works!

  • changeling

    That totally depends on the circumstances an the people involved.


  • tula

    Only proper in LEAP YEARS!

    The Next Leap Year is 2008

    Leap Year has been the traditional time that women can propose marriage. In many of today's cultures, it is okay for a woman to propose marriage to a man. Society doesn't look down on such women. However, that hasn't always been the case. When the rules of courtship were stricter, women were only allowed to pop the question on one day every four years. That day was February 29th.

    St. Bridget's Complaint
    It is believed this tradition was started in 5th century Ireland when St. Bridget complained to St. Patrick about women having to wait for so long for a man to propose. According to legend, St. Patrick said the yearning females could propose on this one day in February during the leap year.

    February 29th in English Law

    According to English law, February 29th was ignored and had no legal status. Folks assumed that traditions would also have no status on that day. It was also reasoned that since the leap year day existed to fix a problem in the calendar, it could also be used to fix an old and unjust custom that only let men propose marriage.

    The first documentation of this practice dates back to 1288, when Scotland passed a law that allowed women to propose marriage to the man of their choice in that year. They also made it law that any man who declined a proposal in a leap year must pay a fine. The fine could range from a kiss to payment for a silk dress or a pair of gloves.

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    We've been together for 10 months, through a lot of wonderful things and not-so-wonderful things (his dad passed away this year). I met him on a Thursday night (hahahaha old 'meeting night' --oh thank goodness I'm out or I'd have missed this man), went out Friday and Saturday nights, NY Eve was a Sunday night and he stayed over ... We've both been slapped silly by how much and how strong we felt so fast, but it hasn't faded but only strengthened. He's broken down every wall that my stupid JW ex caused me to put up... I trust my heart completely in his. We're planning on having me and my little people move into a house he's building (should be done next summer) and the "M" word has been tossed around a tiny bit. Neither of us really feel like we need the piece of paper to be 'us', so maybe it's just the romantic (?) in me wanting it official. So it might not even be a matter of me actually asking him, but saying something along the lines of "ya wanna?"

    (getting all swoony)

    Aw, congrats, Merfi! That is so awesome! I think it's wonderful if you do the asking.
  • tijkmo


    just kidding

  • flipper

    By all means, most definitely ! Most of us men like an assertive woman who knows what she wants. Sounds like you know, so go for it ! Good luck to you! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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