Most evil being on earth?

by Salivating Dog 63 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Salivating Dog
    Salivating Dog

    I see you are a fan of my badge number.

    Do you like the triple 6?

  • aquagirl

    see what happens when you eat the brown acid????

  • Salivating Dog
    Salivating Dog

    Do you case to present to support your accusations?

    Or are you looking for some support from people who do not require that to support you?

    You are like a prosecutor who points at me in front of the jury, and says:"This man is guilty and crazy!.......The prosecution now rests."

    Is that your entire case counsellor?

    You are insulting the jury's intelligence if it is.

  • Mary
    Most evil being on earth?

    George W. Bush.......or Delilah's mother in law.

  • stillajwexelder

    yep - definitely a dime short of a dollar

  • jgnat

    I am deleting the Salivating Dog account. We do not permit duplicate accounts on JWD.

  • stillajwexelder

    CARE TO SHARE WHAT alternate account salivating dog goes under JGNAT?

  • jgnat

    stilla, salivating told us himself on his second post on this thread:

    By the way Baba, Salivating Dog is my Chickamauga Cherokee name. I have been on here for quite a while under my birth name David Christopher.
  • Clam

    Salivating Dog's been taken to the pound, LOL.

  • WTWizard

    I definitely rank Ted Jaracz right up there with Osama Bin Laden. Why? Bin Laden has caused thousands to die in a single terror attack, and threatened a number of others. Jaracz, on the other hand, has swindled tens of thousands into death, ruined millions of lives, and is scamming them out of money and control of their own lives. The thing that puts Ted Jaracz ahead is that he is doing so in the name of God, threatening people that, unless they give up their lives and do the preaching work, they are going to get destroyed by God sometime in the near future. Bin Laden does the actual destroying himself.

    Ranking just below this is the person that is orchestrating our drug scam. Whoever is coordinating Codex Alimentarius and keeping us from finding out definitively by trial and experiment whether or not alpha lipoic acid and vitamin C can cure cancer or prevent colds is causing human suffering and misery. What Ted Jaracz has on them is that the drug companies are not threatening everlasting destruction. They are just keeping things miserable while people are on earth, alive and depending on drugs that have to be taken for life to manage a "disease" that probably makes little difference and should have been cured by now.

    From there include the IRS, the other regulatory agencies, and the dictators in Iran, North Korea, and China. At least our elected officials have to answer to the public or face getting voted out of office.

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