Do tattoos hurt?

by coolhandluke 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • coolhandluke

    Yes. Yes they do and I'm looking forward to it. I tracked down the guy who started some work on my back and I'm going to finish part of it this weekend. The tat started as a take on ying and yang and the idea that things come full circle. The good samurai is done and this weekend I'm doing the bad samurai.

    Check it out:



    Bad Samurai


  • isaacaustin

    yes, but I am bad with pain

  • kerj2leev


    Are you getting some color?

  • bigwilly

    *feeling my blood itch*

    Tattoos! I'm stoked you're getting to move forward with your masterpiece Dom. I am insanely jealous that you're getting ink and I'm not. I better at least get good pics!

  • bigwilly

    Also, I agree that tattoos hurt, but what a lovely and fantastic pain it is!

  • coolhandluke

    tattoo pain is addictive. it feels so good like scratching an internal organ. color is forthcoming. the plan is to do a background behind the samurai's. one dark and one light. a friend of BigWilly's (LowKeySmith) has got a fantastic artist who is boss with color. I want the backgrounds to lead into 1/4 sleeves and this guy is not cheap so I got to save my pennies.

  • free2think

    Im gonna be getting my first tattoo soon hopefully. Im still deciding where i want it though.

    Are there certain places that are more painful?

  • sweetface2233

    Oh dear! Even as I was reading the title of this thread, I could feel the needle on my ass again. LIke a hot iron brand.

    I agree w/ the pain being addictive, but that was a little much. I'm more into the pain from piercings. Richie, I want my tragus and rook pierced!!!

  • Priest73

    I could feel the needle on my ass again.

    Yikes. Did you show it off after I left on Saturday?

  • coolhandluke
    Are there certain places that are more painful?

    my first tat, the one in the middle was directly on my spine for a lot of it. Not so bad, although I could feel the vibrations in my teeth. the artist wasn't very heavy handed. the one on the right hurt like a mofo. on the scapula was freaking horrible. to illustrate the one in the center took 6 hours, straight through. the one on the side took 2.5 with like 3 breaks. by the end i was totally done. all of my adrenaline was spent and i went to my girlfriends house and took a nap. so yeah, some places are way more sensitive.

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