Do you ever get nausea when encountering JW stuff

by Sirona 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • jeanniebeanz

    Definitely. I remember very clearly my last meeting... I walked out sick as a dog. It started with a wave of anger at the lies being told from the 'platform', quickly followed by a great sadness as I looked around me at the people who had been part of every important event of my life until my 33rd birth day, all sitting there like zombies eating up the putrecent lies like it was from god's own hand, then intense sickness. I stopped on my way to the door to duck into the bathroom and puke.

    Never went back... Have you ever gone by the isolation ward of a hospital and looked into the glass rooms where a person lay dying of some horrid, very contagious disease? That is the feeling I had when looking at the people sitting in the hall. It's like they are laying in that hospital bed dying, their children being infected along with them, their futures and dreams killed, heavily medicated to make the pain of the disease go away (Prozac, Zoloft, Welbutrin, etc.), in terrible financial shape for the most part, just hoping in their minds that they made the right choice, older people too proud to admit to themselves that they have thrown their lives away because what else do they have? Mostly, I feel bad for the little ones. Poor babies don't even know that the food their parents are feeding them is poison and will lead to hardship in life and bitter disappointment in their old age; or drastic amputations later in life in order to escape the disease if they are fortunate enough to shake it.

    God, it did make me so sick... Now, it's a sadness for the young people mostly.


  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    I cannot read any of their articles. I tried to read through the PDF copy of the 2008 WT and I just couldn't do it. I couldn't read past the first few sentences and then my mind seem to refuse to go on. It was the wierdest feeling, I love reading and can usually read just about anything. I wanted to see if there was any "new light". Now I'll have to trust you guys to keep me updated.

  • Sirona


    That's it.

    I suppose it is something to do with how we as individuals cope with emotional upset. I know that if I'm extremely upset, I will puke. I was just shocked that seeing that video could have that effect - almost like pavlov ringing a bell.


  • 38 Years
    38 Years

    I just want to scream and run away. Having to listen to it from my Mom is painful. It's like poison or some kind of torture.

  • Gayle

    I start getting the feeling of suppression or claustrophobia and a feeling like "I can't breathe, I can't breathe, I need fresh air."

  • Emma

    Yes, mingled with revulsion. I came home from work one evening last week and saw the latest rags on the couch. My son had accepted them; he said when he was talking to them he thought they were Christian so accepted their offer. I was angry at first but he doesn't remember ever going to a meeting so isn't as aware. I told him they'd be back for him! perhaps I should put up a no jw's sign.

  • Sirona
    Some report a problem with nausea, clenched teeth or other outward signs of tension. This stage is extremely painful and frightening. Usually the longer a person or his family has been in the group, the more painful it is.

    OMG. It is an "official symptom"

    I have also had to have injections of steriods into my jaw because of a jaw misalignment aggravated by clenching teeth.


  • *summer*
    I should put up a no jw's sign

    Yes indeed. My own study conductor told me last week that they still knock at doors with a "No soliciting" sign. Because they are not selling anything {now that they don't ask anything for the publications} They are only offering the good news.

    I thought..."sure. another nice twist on words."

  • Rooster

    . My brother sent me a link to the 2008 watchtower magazine. When I opened it I felt waves of nausea. I don’t like to read any of their literature anymore.

  • WTWizard

    I usually look for the scam in it. It doesn't take long. Once I find it, I will often write up another article and throw it back in their faces.

    In fact, I did that on another (now gone) board with a list of Very Damaging Letters from the Watchtower Society. As a project, I looked through those letters and wrote up small articles that used the letters to embarrass the Watchtower Society, often about the disjointed way they carry out their affairs in a billion departments.

    Once I found the outline for the Crapmorial (the same one that they have had every year). I wrote up a small article that shredded the fallacies in that outline, including why would we need additional sacrifice if Jesus provided "a perfect sacrifice, to which nothing needed to be added". To continually sacrifice after the supreme sacrifice was offered is pointless.

    But no, I don't get physically sick on seeing it. It's just another reminder of how I made the right choice to abandon the cult. In fact, I laugh when I see more ridiculous "new light" or new rules that are totally absurd. Hopefully more people will get sick and tired of it and leave the Tower, and come onto this board or a similar one.

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