Have you changed your mind about ABORTION?

by nicolaou 171 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sweetstuff
    We aren't saying that unloved children would be better off dead? I'm sure there are many that go on to live very happy lives, they shouldn't be punished for their parents being douche-bags!

    Do me a favor Keri, watch this music video and tell me if you think that child is better off for being brought into the world, although its a music video, fake scenario, its one that happens daily. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDm03Foq2T0 Thousands of kids fall under the radar worldwide and no one notices what is going on or turns a blind eye until they are dead, slowly horribly murdered. The terror they must face at the hands of their "douche-bag" parents is unimaginable.

  • bigwilly
    they shouldn't be punished for their parents being douche-bags

    I agree that children should not be punished for their parents shortcomings. The problem is that a child raised by these "douche-bags" is exactly that, punished at least for the childhood or until they are forced, removed or run away from that living situation. All I'm saying is that the decision is not mine to make and no one other than the potential parent has the right to dictate what takes place. Nobody know all the details of a person's life and what is right for them.

  • ex-nj-jw
    the decision is not mine to make and no one other than the potential parent has the right to dictate what takes place. Nobody know all the details of a person's life and what is right for them.

    I couldn't have said this better.


  • cultswatter

    I you can't take the heat then beat your meat

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    I hate to see any development of life abruptly stopped in it's tracks, such as abortion in humans, and that goes likewise for animals too

    it is the cause of this that I regrettably support the personal freedom of pro-choice with it's attached regulations, as it stands today .

    Just because your pro-choice doesn't necessarily mean your not pro-life.

    Its an unfortunate circumstance in any which way you look at it but I think the laws have got it right.

  • llbh

    I am on balance pro choice. I think as mentioned by eclipse that abortions 12+ weeks are difficult to justify though not impossilbe. I do not think that men have the right ot legislate on it, If any men is against it let them stay at home and take the place that usualyl falls to women. I think these career orientated legilators might have second thoughts.

    ps In the UK we have just revisited this and.our Government has decided no change, they allow abortions up to 28 weeks.


  • B_Deserter

    Even though I'm now an atheist, I'm still not pro-choice. If it's a situation where the pregnancy is threatening the life of the mother and/or the child, then abortion should be acceptable. In situations where the mother doesn't feel she is ready to handle the child, she should give it up for adoption. I don't think it's debatable that at a certain point in the pregnancy, the child becomes a living person. I have no problem with "morning after" pills and birth control because a cluster of cells is not a person. What really needs to be done is find out when during a pregnancy does the cluster of cells transition into a conscious person. When we figure that out, abortions before that date should be legal, and after that date considered murder.

    I've seen too many women have abortions simply for selfish reasons. If you do the crime, you should do the time, period.

  • llbh

    Btw sorry for typo's. and to answer the question no I have not changed my views though when I was a JW I was careful of the sensibilies of others


  • nicolaou
    ps In the UK we have just revisited this and.our Government has decided no change, they allow abortions up to 28 weeks

    Just for the record, I think you'll find the UK limit is 24 weeks.

  • llbh

    Sorry Nicolau thanks for the correction


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