Trying to show active JW's that they are 'Apostate' already.

by ThomasCovenant 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • ThomasCovenant


    Whenever I have brought up the subject of who will be saved at Armageddon with a JW they always, without exception, deny that it is a teaching/ belief of the WT that everyone but them are going to be destroyed. There's a very good reason for this of course. How many people can go through life constantly aware that at any moment God is going kill 99.9% of the population? And still remain sane? Therefore they (including myself at the time) have to put that thought out of their heads.

    Nevertheless this is definitely the belief as we all know.

    Now if the opportunity arises in the future I would like to try this approach with a JW.

    Do you believe that only Jehovah's Witnesses are going to be saved at Armageddon?

    No. We don't know who will be saved. We leave that to Big J to read hearts

    Well I'm sorry to tell you that that is not what the Watchtower Society says. Therefore you are going against the Society's teachings which I think is known as 'apostasy'. I think I will have to inform the local elders that they have an apostate in their midst. Goodbye.

    Throw the ball back to them that they are already not following the GB.

    I need to keep a few choice WT quotes regarding who will be saved handy. Blondie always used to keep one to the fore

    WT 89 1st Sept page 19 para 7

    Only Jehovah's Witnesses, those of the anointed remnant and the 'great crowd', as a united organization under the protection of the Supreme Organizer, have any Scriptural hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system dominated by Satan the Devil.


    Thomas Covenant

  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester
    And still remain sane?
  • carla

    Excellent. However, jw's also claim they are free to believe differently from the wt's just not verbalize it to anyone so you really can't get a staight answer out of them anyway. I've tried that on my jw many times when he gave me a different explanation than what was written in the wt's, 'you should really have a talk with the elders and turn yourself in for disagreeing with the fds'. I have even offered to go with him to his jc! He has yet to take me up on it because I think he really does fear the jc's from the stories I have told him yet he has not seen it and can't quite believe it. So he takes the safe way and straddles the fence on many issues. Why don't jw's see that if there has not been new light on a subject the old stands? If you bring up that they are in violation of the fds they will always come back with 'how old is that?' 'where did you get that quote?' then go on a tirade about evil apostates on the internet to try to get you to change the subject. Keep bringning them back to topic and they will refuse to talk about it! What a witness for the wt!

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    I got my Mom on this one. She kept backing up and backing up on it. She is very close to a worldly women and even studied with her for a while, but finally the women told her she was only doing it to keep up with friendship. So I asked my Mom, "would Joan survive Armageddon simply because she isn't a JW". My Mom reluctantly said, "no". I then said, "so your saying that the JW org is the only salvation?!?". To which she had to back up and say, "no I am not saying that, I just know in my heart it's the only way and therefore I have faith she won't make it". To which I easily pointed out about judging. Fact is JW's brains can't handle this argument and it's a great one to use, but should be used on a personal level so it makes it even more real.

  • nvrgnbk

    My father, still an active pioneer and an elder, actually had a letter written about him to Bethel for some apostate views some years back.

    Maybe that's why he doesn't shun me.

    You on here, Dad?


  • fresia
    Whenever I have brought up the subject of who will be saved at Armageddon with a JW they always, without exception, deny that it is a teaching/ belief of the WT that everyone but them are going to be destroyed. There's a very good reason for this of course. How many people can go through life constantly aware that at any moment God is going kill 99.9% of the population? And still remain sane? Therefore they (including myself at the time) have to put that thought out of their heads.

    I don't know how long you have not been associated with JW's, but that was a teaching up till the eighties, the WT has said in articles that it will be impossible for every human to have a witness, it is up the Jehovah to judge their heart condition. I think that some self righteous fruit loops in the org may still believe that. But it is true they do not believe they are the only ones to be saved at Armageddon.

  • Honesty
    Excellent. However, jw's also claim they are free to believe differently from the wt's just not verbalize it to anyone so you really can't get a staight answer out of them anyway. I've tried that on my jw many times when he gave me a different explanation than what was written in the wt's, 'you should really have a talk with the elders and turn yourself in for disagreeing with the fds'. I have even offered to go with him to his jc! He has yet to take me up on it because I think he really does fear the jc's from the stories I have told him yet he has not seen it and can't quite believe it. So he takes the safe way and straddles the fence on many issues. Why don't jw's see that if there has not been new light on a subject the old stands? If you bring up that they are in violation of the fds they will always come back with 'how old is that?' 'where did you get that quote?' then go on a tirade about evil apostates on the internet to try to get you to change the subject. Keep bringning them back to topic and they will refuse to talk about it! What a witness for the wt! carla

    They have got plenty of backbone don't they.

  • oompa

    I LOVE this arguement, but more quotes are needed. Very current and older as well, you can still rub the old crap in their eye. I have been wondering what the heck it would take to ever ask for another talk in the KMS. Now I know. Would it not be TOTALLY fun to ask that queston in a talk and say how priveledged we are and ask for a show of hands either before or after reading that quote or similar. Before would be more fun, and then see the reaction when you rattle off quote after quote about how dead everybody else is if they dont come aboard......oompa

    I also plan on e-mailing the simple question, and then the quotes in reply

  • avidbiblereader

    James 4:11,12 11 Don’t speak evil against each other, dear brothers and sisters. [d] If you criticize and judge each other, then you are criticizing and judging God’s law. But your job is to obey the law, not to judge whether it applies to you. 12 God alone, who gave the law, is the Judge. He alone has the power to save or to destroy. So what right do you have to judge your neighbor?

    2 Thess 2:3,4 3 Don’t be fooled by what they say. For that day will not come until there is a great rebellion against God and the man of lawlessness [ b ] is revealed—the one who brings destruction. [ c ] 4 He will exalt himself and defy everything that people call god and every object of worship. He will even sit in the temple of God, claiming that he himself is God.

    Judging another can constitute ourselves as being Godlike, thinking or acting as if it is our law they have broken, never judge another, our job is to obey and not to judge. PERIOD


  • ThomasCovenant


    Fresia, I'm not so sure they have abandoned the idea in the eighties.

    Here's some more quotes.

    WT 01 15th February pages 12-17

    Jehovah's Day of Judgement is Near!

    para 10

    ''Annihilation awaits ALL (my emphasis) who will not listen and who thereby set themselves against rule by God's Kingdom.''

    para 15

    ''There will be no escape for present-day practicers of false religion,............''

    Para 18

    ''What a bitter ( I should say 'bitter' they are going to be killed) time that will be for ALL WHO IGNORE ( my emphasis) Jehovah's warnings given by his Witnesses and who fail to embrace true worship!''


    Thomas Covenant

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