Lefties shocked! Sign of the End?

by JeffT 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWdaughter

    As a matter of fact, junior college IS free here in WA state-if your grades and test scores are high enough (trust me, its basically, is your kid passing with C's and are they reasonably literate). In WA you can attend your first two years of college concurrently with your last two years of high school. I figure this is because they have dumbed down college so much that the first two years are like the last two years of high school should be, but no longer are. So, my daughter is going to college and she is barely 16. Not a genius, and she is missing out on HS stuff, but she is in classes that don't spend most of the hour trying to settle everyone into learning mode. They arrive that way (and she likes that the most about college). We will only need to pay for her last two years of school and she is just as eligible for financial aid as if she hadn't had the state pay for her college already. We pay books and fees, which are bad enough, but two free years of colllege! I love it. Reasonably, I imagine the state/local dist. pays about the same whether she is in high school or college. In 2002/3 it cost $9,454 per public school student to educate them per year. At the comm. coll. level, out of state students THIS year pay less than $8000 for 3 quarters tuition.

    Public school teachers should get much more money:)


  • 5go
    Now we come to something that really is the provenance of government - defence. The size of the defence budget and how it should be deployed are of course issues worthy of some debate - but that's a topic for a different thread.

    No it's the biggest waist in government in fact lot of countries are now getting it, and dumping their millitaries one way or another. What little those countries keep is used for law enforcement and border security.

  • Gregor

    Reading any one of 5go's posts is a great reminder of how wonderful our K-12 public education system works. This is not an attack on you, 5go. It is just an observation of what kind of education we get from a marriage of government and unions. Government health insurance? Shoot me now.

    Homerovah, Canadian health care...an occasional snag or problem? That's the understatement of the day!

  • funkyderek


    Everybody grows up in the end. ;)

    I'm not sure I'm quite ready to, yet.

    Nationalized Health care is not free. It is paid for in the taxes levied on citizens of a particular country, sometimes with subsidies from the Government in certain situations.

    Does the government have some source of income other than taxes?

    The reason that it tends to work in a far superior manner that the US Insured system is that it is a communal service which is available to all, regardless of their wealth or lack of it.

    That is also the main cause of its problems.

    It does not judge a person due to social position or way of life.

    Of course it does. The amount someone pays for healthcare under such a system is based almost entirely on their social position and way of life.

    The junkie and the aristocrat have available to them the same level of medical care should they chose the Nationalised Health route.

    Which the aristocrat pays for but doesn't use, and the junkie uses but doesn't pay for.

    As such it is imo the pinnacle of achievement for a civilized society.

    That's a rather depressing thought. I think a better society would be one where everybody could afford to pay for all the healthcare and other services they require themselves. But nobody's quite managed to crack that one yet.

  • 5go

    Reading any one of 5go's posts is a great reminder of how wonderful our K-12 public education system works. This is not an attack on you, 5go. It is just an observation of what kind of education we get from a marriage of government and unions. Government health insurance? Shoot me now.

    Homerovah, Canadian health care...an occasional snag or problem? That's the understatement of the day!

    I would point out texas is 49th in the union as far as it's education system. BTW it got there because of Bush's attempts to bust he teachers union here. Replace the word "Canadian" with "American", and replace "an occasional snag, or problem" with the words "a Joke, and Embarrassing"!

  • 5go
    Which the aristocrat pays for but doesn't use, and the junkie uses but doesn't pay for.

    OK that assumes the Junky doesn't earn a living, and the Aristocrat does. Which might not be the case. Some rich people live off inheritances and never ever do a days work.

  • Gregor

    "I would point out texas is 49th in the union as far as it's education system. BTW it got there because of Bush's attempts to bust he teachers union here." You made my point. He saw where the problem was didn't he? But he didn't 'bust' the union and ...voila..Texas is near the bottom in it's public education ranking. I know you know that proper names like Texas are capitalized, you just forgot. I think you mean "waste" as in wasted when you say "waist" as in the part of the body you put a belt around. You must have forgot, twice. You said: "Though I think I just revealed the lobby might have a problem with free JC idea" So many of your statements are incoherent but this was one of the best examples. Is there anything in life you accept as a personal responsibilty? Or do you think the government should be our Mommy, Daddy and Nanny?

  • hillary_step


    It is paid for in the taxes levied on citizens of a particular country, sometimes with subsidies from the Government in certain situations.
    The government has no resources from which to pay subsidies execept those that it takes from its citizens. The first half of your statement is entirely correct on its own.

    You are wrong. In certain situations, when there is a shortfall from collected and allocated taxes for a certain purpose, governments can use money allocated for other uses to subsidise a loss. For example, in the UK a few years ago, the Labor Government used monies collected on a "windfall" tax from BP and other oil companies whic were specifically to be used for "social programs" such as infrastucture etc, and diverted these allocated taxes into the National Health to pay for needed training.

    "And if they annoy me I can take my business elsewhere if I can afford to do that".
    I'm speaking about a service for which I'm already paying (the example being auto insurance). Obviously I have the money for it, since I'm buying it now. If I can't find a better service I can learn to live with the deal I have, or I can choose to spend a bit more to get the service I want. The point is, its in my hands.

    You are missing the point. You have the cash to choose what insurance company you wish to avail yourself of. Millions of residents of the US do not have the money to choose. That is the point. You can chose, but they cannot afford to choose.

    For example. A friend of mine is in need of an operation. They are well insured and the insurance company is willing to cover the costs of the operation. However, the surgeons will not operate on this person unless they transfuse them as their blood count is low. The insurance company will not cover the transfusion as it is not life-threatening. The cost is around $5k which will have to be born by the person. This is how Americans loose their homes and savings due to a flawed and inhuman service.


  • hillary_step


    Nationalized Health care is not free. It is paid for in the taxes levied on citizens of a particular country, sometimes with subsidies from the Government in certain situations.
    Does the government have some source of income other than taxes?

    No, but it can divert allocated funds from taxes collected for one purpose and use for it for a purpose not intended, as I noted in my reply to Jeff. The Government is also a major investor in real estate and stocks, bonds etc. Though tax money is used to buy investments, the increase in these investements does not come directly from taxation.

    The reason that it tends to work in a far superior manner that the US Insured system is that it is a communal service which is available to all, regardless of their wealth or lack of it.
    That is also the main cause of its problems.

    No health system is without its problems, that is a given. One must weight what is a "problem" under one system and judge it against what is a "problem" under another system. What did you have in mind Derek?

    It does not judge a person due to social position or way of life.

    Of course it does. The amount someone pays for healthcare under such a system is based almost entirely on their social position and way of life


    That a richer person pays more taxes than a poorer person, is this what you have in mind?

    I was speaking of the healthcare system and its service to the sick, not the taxes levied in order to make the system work for the good of all.

    If you turn up sick in any hospital in the UK, Canada, France, Ireland, Norway, Denmark, etc. etc. you will not be turned away. As a rich person, poor person, junkie, or aristocrat you will receive the same level of treatment. This is what I mean by national healthcare not being a "judge" of people.

    The junkie and the aristocrat have available to them the same level of medical care should they chose the Nationalised Health route.

    Which the aristocrat pays for but doesn't use, and the junkie uses but doesn't pay for.

    Both can avail of its use, equally and without judgement. Yes, perhaps the more unfortunate in society cannot afford to pay for what they get in the way of healthcare and those whose lives are better placed do pay. I see nothing wrong with this. In fact I see it as the morally superior route.

    Of course, the aristocrat or the rich man who falls into wealth by inheritance may be able to pay for a much better health service than those who helped create his wealth. Whether he is morally justified in expecting to do this is a point for another thread, which I would be interested in discussing.

    As such it is imo the pinnacle of achievement for a civilized society.

    That's a rather depressing thought. I think a better society would be one where everybody could afford to pay for all the healthcare and other services they require themselves. But nobody's quite managed to crack that one yet.

    Nobody has managed to crack it, that is the point Derek. Until someone does achieve the ideal, the national healthcare enjoyed and respected by millions of Europeans is imo far superior to its US counterpart. People die in the US because they cannot afford the level of treatment that they need. Imo this can never be morally justified.

    Cheers - HS

  • Gregor


    It is paid for in the taxes levied on citizens of a particular country, sometimes with subsidies from the Government in certain situations.
    The government has no resources from which to pay subsidies execept those that it takes from its citizens. The first half of your statement is entirely correct on its own.

    You are wrong...

    HS. After you make this statement you proceed to describe exactly why he was NOT wrong. Unless you are saying that corporate taxes are, somehow, not taxes?

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