Why I dont go along with the "happiness" crowd

by Junction-Guy 83 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk
    I cant really get into that last long excerpt, just doesnt interest me.

    You just said alot there.

    I'm interested enough in you to point it out to you, but your nonchalant rejection of ideas that make you uncomfortable explains why you're where you are.


  • Junction-Guy

    Changeling, I thought I had been responding back to you, is there some missing PM or something Im not aware of?

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Well sheesh, I guess I give hollow advice, lack empathy, and deserve to have my entire plans for my career foiled. Wow, who would have thought it?! ;-)

    I can easily see how some might feel their efforts to help have been utterly wasted. I think it best if I refrain from posting any more on this subject. Peace all.

  • jgnat

    As long as we tell our oppressors they have ruined our lives, we have given them the power. I'm in to effectiveness. I want to effectively thumb my nose at the society while gaily moving on with my life. I've got lots of data and experience to back me up, too. I've risen above my own past, raised by a narcicisst mother and abusive first husband. My past abusers are the same today as they always were; I am renewed. Thank you nvr, for that link to Frankl. He walked out of a concentration camp with his dignity intact. Who won?



    Now, I'm sorry Junction-Guy that you perceive that my way is somehow degrading yours. Crusade if that's what you need. I will take all kinds and all kinds of approaches to wake up the society. But, please, don't trash my (quieter) way. I have full confidence that my approach will have great success. Time will tell.

  • snowbird

    Thank you for that, Nvr. It describes the way I used to feel as a JW.

    What was so special about us that we should feel superior - yes, superior - to others?

    Why would God, who is impartial and the Personification of love, visit His wrath on "the world" and spare us?

    Since I knew many so-called worldly people that many JW's couldn't hold a candle to, how could I reconcile what I was being taught with what I was seeing and feeling?

    These are the questions that wouldn't go away, so I set out to answer them. The answers led me right out of the JW's and into the fold of the Good Shepherd.

    I am not looking to any religions or religionists for validation of my worth anymore, because I KNOW I count.

    Thank you for reading.


  • changeling

    Yes, I PM'd you last night and I know you read it because I checked my "sent" box and it's no longer in bold print.

    This is my last post on this subject.


  • Junction-Guy

    Well Im man enough to apologize when I have done wrong, and I apologize that I didnt respond back.

    Read my latest topic and you will see some more background to what brings me to this subject.

  • sir82

    This is like a train wreck.


  • Sawyer

    One poster on this board stood me up twice.

    One practically shunned me.

    If you want someone to be happier about their lives and to try to move on from the JW experience, then try to treat others as you would like to be treated, instead of offering hollow advice.


    There you go again. Blaming everyone else for your lack of happiness. You said "If you want someone to be happier...." That's the whole point! It's not what WE want. It's what YOU want.

    I give up. I personally think you like to wallow in your miserableness or you want an easy answer. Life isn't easy. It's up to you what you get out of this life.

  • lisavegas420

    I've apologize for standing you up. I would never intentionally hurt anyone. I truely am sorry.

    I had good intentions when I made those promises.

    But the anxiety of actually following though with the plans made me too anxious and I just couldn't do it. I'm not trying to make excuses for myself, it just happens.

    You are not the first person I've done this to. and I know this is something I have a problem with...and I am trying to adresses it.


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