Why I dont go along with the "happiness" crowd

by Junction-Guy 83 Replies latest jw friends

  • IP_SEC
    But why should we allow them to paint us as "Evil" just for simply standing up to a destructive organization?

    I dont care what they think

  • Junction-Guy

    I dont either, and that is why Im an activist. I would like for my Dad to know exactly how I feel, maybe just maybe someday I can meet him again in person to tell him.

  • V1710

    sounds like martydom.

    i've been both places and happiness is the better choice.

  • Gopher

    JG -- just a question that I thought of:

    If the JW's paint us as evil, who's listening? If they chatter amongst themselves about how "evil" ex-members are, it's probably not that big of an issue.

    If they go outside their organization to complain about their ex-members being "evil", most people will reject that as foolish or won't care.

    To most people, JW's are a very minor religion, one they can swat away like a mosquito buzzing near your forehead.

    That's not to minimize the very real pain they did cause us, and I will vent my disillusionment here and to non-JW's that I associate with. (Holiday season is really good for that - I can anti-Witness that my parents won't be getting together with me because of differences in outlook, they don't care, etc., etc.)

  • IP_SEC
    I would like for my Dad to know exactly how I feel, maybe just maybe someday I can meet him again in person to tell him.

    Hey JG,

    Im not trying to be an ass so please dont take it that way. Your dad is a witness tho? So you do care what they, some, or at least one of them thinks?

  • sf


    As per usual, you nail key points.


    Thank you, sKally

  • Junction-Guy

    I will have to continue this tomorrow, as I will be late for work. Six of Nine, I will send you a PM tomorrow.

    Yes I do care what my Dad thinks, and I do care about him as he is my Dad, blood is thicker than water, he is still my Dad, and until I hear his side, I will still respect him.

  • carla

    aww, shucks, thanks sKally.

  • darkuncle29

    Hi JG

    But why should we allow them to paint us as "Evil" just for simply standing up to a destructive organization?

    Ok, so how would you go about "not allowing" someone to say blah blah blah? We have no control over their actions.

    Was Martin Luther King "Evil" for picketing against racism?

    Not in most people's perspective, but what would a KKK member say to that? New Nazi? Perspective again.

    Were womans suffrage activists "Evil" for marching for the right to vote?

    Same comments as above.

    I dont consider myself "evil" for wanting to expose the damage this cult does, they can spin their doctrines anyway they like, but their organization is "Evil", not me for wanting to expose it.

    You and I don't consider ourselves evil, that is our perspective, just as "The org is evil" is also our view.

    Think of it like math:

    JW view = -(me), -(JG), -(apostates), and +(JW), +(org), +(JG dad)

    My view = +(me), +(JG), +/- (apostates) {individual basis}, and +/- (JW) {again, individual basis}, -(org), ?(JG dad) {don't know him, so can't judge}

    XJW's turn to drugs, alcohol, or depression meds to ease their pain, or 2, they were fortunate to find a group of friends to socialize with, or just maybe one special friend.

    some do, but not all, I think that is more a JW view than a non-JW view. Those that do use drugs and alcohol, are IMO just self medicating, albeit in a destructive manner. And for those that do use Rx anti depressants, some get relief and others don't. I posted about this subject often when I first came on this board. I believe that no one thing is ever "the answer" or "cure". None of us are that simple. I also believe that it is up to us to become aware of our thinking and change our thought patterns when we can see what they may be. Professional help is good with that too, but exspensive. All the prozac in the world won't "fix" you if you still think to yourself, "I hate you. I hate you. I hate you."

    I'm just giving that as an example, not saying that that is conected to you.

    I agree with you--I think--in what you mean by "the happiness crowd", I think alot of people spout stuff that they mean well by, but for someone with depression or emotional wounds, those ideas are more damaging, guilt inducing, shame inducing; its as if some people can not relate. I'm not refering to people on the board, I'm thinking of friends and people I know, who try to say "blah blah be happy, simple simple simple, blah." and I'm inwardly thinking "Oh for the love of GOD, STFU" because you have no idea how I'm feeling or what I'm thinking.

    I don't know, what do you think?

  • Fleur
    It does a major disservice to XJW's to try to paint everything as hunky dory, when it clearly is not.

    I have a message for the world that this cult is destructive, it tears up families, and most of all it tears up children.

    I have read and studied numerous child psychology books and I have seen first hand the damage this cult causes.

    If we paint the JW religion as OK, or just like any other church, then basically we are gagging our own mouths, for the message needs to be known that JW's are a lying,destructive CULT

    Gee, JG, I don't remember you being so angry when I posted here before- maybe I missed something in the time I have been away, but I'm really worried about you :(

    You know, I was an activist for a long, long time. I went through what I call my ex-JW pioneer years. I never pioneered when I was a JW- but after I got out, all I wanted to do was expose them, tell my story so it would help others, and keep posting and posting and posting until the pain eased up- to be sure that anyone who read my words would feel, not just know, but FEEL the way I nearly lost my life by my own hand because of this cult.

    I won't get into how many thousands of emails I answered during those years. I won't get into how many hits my (now gone) website had. Because many people have done far more for the 'exjw cause' than I ever did.

    But I did all I could, for a long, long time. And I burned out. Bigtime.

    You may feel it does a disservice to other exjw's by saying that I'm happy now, and moreso maybe you think that because I actually am happy, I am doing damage to 'the cause' somehow.

    But I'm not a billboard for anyone's cause anymore. I'm a human being, and I, and you, and everyone else, deserve to be happy.

    To be honest, to hear you implying that if an EXjw is happy they're doing something wrong, really hurts. Because it's like being back in the Borg and hearing that if you're happy, then you're doing something wrong because only people who are doing what Satan wants have any happiness.

    Does that make any sense at all to you?

    I did my bit for 'king and country'. I still try to help out individual posters and such by sharing my experiences. You can do a search of my old username, Esmeralda, if you want an indication of how much pain this cult has caused me.

    I just can't live in that pain anymore. If that makes me a disappointment to you, I can't help you.

    I won't apologize to anyone, ever again for being happy. Not even fellow ex's.

    I wish you peace in your heart and healing.


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