Is Satan getting a bad rap?

by lovelylil 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • MadTiger

    He gets a bad rap, but he also gets more credit than he deserves:

    Set-hen = Satan?

  • Tara

    Does anybody remember where the phrase, "The Devil made me do it", originated from. My memory tells me it was some TV show in the 70's or 80's. It's bugging me.

    Just a guess, but 'The Flip Wilson Show' maybe?

  • undercover

    It was either the Flip Wilson show or Laugh In...

  • journey-on

    Was Flip Wilson the guy that used to say, "Here come 'da come 'da judge." ??

  • undercover

    I like to ask, "Who told the first lie in the Bible?"

    Most people say the Devil or Satan.

    First of all, Satan isn't even a character in Genesis...or Exodos...

    But allowing for the belief that the serpent was the Devil, the answer still is wrong. If you read the text, as written, void of any previous beliefs and interpretations, the serpent did not lie. What he said came true and what God said did not.

    God said if they ate of the fruit they would die the day they ate of it.

    The serpent said they would not die but be like God knowing good and bad.

    A & E ate, their eyes were opened, they became to know good from bad and were not put to death but were driven from the garden instead.

    So who lied?

  • journey-on


    Have you forgotten your JW teaching on that!? Let me repeat..."a day is as a thousand years in the eyes of Jehovah."

    JWs teach that Adam and Eve did die within that first 1000 years, thus one day. Man! have you forgotten how to twist


  • undercover
    Man! have you forgotten how to twist the

    Thank you for that compliment! lol Maybe I'm free of WTthink now.

    JWs teach that Adam and Eve did die within that first 1000 years, thus one day.

    JWs teach...yes...but my point is that if you read it as written, with no interpretation, then God lied. He even says, "because they have done this thing...let's drive them out...before they eat of the tree of everlasting life..." So he was scared that they could live forever if they ate from another tree. And nowhere does it say they were meant to live forever anyway. So driving them out was the punishment, not death.

  • journey-on
    "because they have done this thing...let's drive them out...before they eat of the tree of everlasting life..." So he was scared that they could live forever if they ate from another tree.

    As I entered young adulthood, and began thinking "outside the box", one of the first questions I personally took to an elder I trusted to know the answer, was related to this very statement."

    I said, "How can sneaking back into the garden of Eden and eating from the tree of life, actually negate Jehovah's judgement of death, if he is indeed all powerful."

    I was told if I had to ask such a question, then I'm spiritually weak. Never got an answer, but it changed me for the rest of my life. That may have been the first day of my many year-long fade.

  • lilybird

    I remember when I was about 6 years old and my mom was a fairly new jw, she started hearing voices and things going on in the house. Helpful dubs told her to throw out all old Christmas decorations and any thing given to us by "unbelieving" friends or relatives. They said these things were bringing Satan and his demons into the house,.,It didn't help as my mother was actually sick with schizophrenia. When she was taking medication and getting better, her well-meaning dub friends told her the medication would allow Satan into her mind.. So she started throwing her meds down the toilet and telling the doctor she was taking them.Satan sure is a busy spirit!!!!!!!!

  • lovelylil

    There was one sister in our hall who was constantly talking about how Satan follows her around and tests her every day by making bad things happen to her. I got so sick of her that one day I told her the bible says "if you resist the Devil he will flee from you" , and so I asked her, aren't you resisting the Devil? (James 4:7) You should have seen the stare she gave me. If looks could kill............ I think most jdubs feel spiritually superior by believing that Satan has the least bit of interest in them. Supposedly this is a sign that they are the true followers of God if Satan attacks them. But for goodness sake, even the Apostles didn't blame everything on the Devil. Lilly

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