Are You Spontaneous or more Scheduled?

by journey-on 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finally-Free

    I used to be spontaneous. Now I'm boring. I either sit on my ass at work or I sit on my ass at home. The activity is the same, the only difference is location.


  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    P.S. Journey-On, I think this is beyond being scheduled or spontaneous and has to do more with you taking your sister out of her comfort zone. Even though it's frustrating to you as all get-out and you wish she could see beyond these rules and just love you and make you her priority, as a JW, you are not her priority.

    I know this sounds harsh, but I'm speaking from the heart because I'm in the same boat. My JW family will never choose me first, and often not choose me at all, and yes, it stings.

    I think you will get farther (or is it further?) with your sister if you try to work around her schedule, no matter how much it pains you, and I KNOW it does. Believe me. I feel for you.

    Well, that's my two cents anyway. I hope that it comes across in the kind way I'm intending.

    Well-Meaning Girl

  • changeling

    Based on the four basic categories, here's my assesment of some on this board:


    nvr, journey-on, purps, eclipse, changeling, tula, restrangled


    dawg, sparkplug, sweetstuff, bigdreaux, rollerdave,


    junction guy, sunspot,


    terry, john doe, minimus, blondie,

    Are you seeing a pattern?

    In life most people are SP's and SJ's. NT's and NF's are more rare. I find this board is crawling with NF's and NT's. Kind of odd but I love it.


  • changeling

    GGBG: Your BF sounds like an ISTP. I know, I live with one. You guys are a pretty good match.


  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    Changeling, forgive me for not knowing this but can you please do a key of what the letters stand for?

    Thank you!!

  • changeling

    I intovert

    E extrovert

    S sensor

    N intuitive

    P perceiver

    J judger

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Hey Changeling,

    You seem to be the resident expert on this stuff....Is there another site besides humanmetrics that does these free tests...

    I would like second opinion...

    I may be an ENFJ according to humanmetrics...but something tells me this could be wrong...

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Hey Good Girl,

    If you take the test it will give you a whole bunch of cool articles to read about should do it!!

    Go to

    The Oracle

  • changeling

    Google "Myers-Briggs". You'll find a bunch of sites based on their research.

    Have fun,


  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Sorry Good Girl (or bad girl?),

    I just noticed that you already took the test... (it's my ENFJ acting up again)

    check out the links on your results page - it will explain it all in great detail!

    You may finally be able to answer that age old question...

    Are you Good? or

    Are you Bad? LOL

    The Oracle

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