Took this picture Sat. morning on my Property....Hope yall can see it.

by oppgirl63 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • purplesofa

    wow, that deer does have big ears.........

    great pic, thanks for sharing

  • Sunspot

    Doesn't it make your heart skip a beat when you see deer in your own yard! Thanks for sharing!

    In 1991, the morning I found out my dearest and very best friend had lost her two-year battle with cancer....I was standing there looking out my window and thining how ugly the world seemed to be now.....OUT of the woods, ambles this beautiful deer and comes right up to the house!! It blew me away!

    We have woods on two sides here, and last week we had about 30 wild turkeys step out of the woods, walk around for about ten minutes, and turn around and go back into the woods.....just taking a stroll! We have fox, many rabbits, three huge racoons that come right onto the porch, possums, red squirrels, gray squirrels, one black squirrel, that appear here regularly, summer and winter alike. We never know what will visit!

  • Uzzah

    From one of my camping trips. It would be amazing to have them visiting on my yard tho. Thanks for sharing the pic!

  • Nosferatu

    Ah, I see it now!

    I had one of those things walking across my front yard. I was changing a DVD when I looked outside. "What the hell? There's a deer walking across our lawn!" My wife didn't believe me. We both went outside and watched it walk down the street.

  • Finally-Free

    Now my mouth is watering for venison sausages.


  • BrentR

    We have deer on our place every day and I never get tired of watching them. My daughter and I just saw a two point buck yesterday while we were hauling firewood. He came within 50' of us and I enjoyed seeing my daughter trying to contain her excitment. I am constantly amazed at how well they blend into thier surroundings.

    Keep an eye out because if they are there once they will most likely be back.

    By the time I am 60 I will probably have 500 pics of them.

    Uzzah, that is a young elk cow.

  • misanthropic
    Now my mouth is watering for venison sausages.

    Good, I don't feel so bad- I saw the pictures and thought how much I miss my ex husband or at least the deer sausage he made... yum.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    The deer around where I live are fairly ok being close to human habitats, we have an annual 'problem' of a family which lives on a very busy roundabout! They're also sometimes seen running through the town centre itself. We have a few deer farms nearby so they could be escaped ones which are used to being close to humans. One of my former work colleagues emigrated to the US a few years ago, when she lived in NJ, she mentioned all the wildlife she had visiting her 'back garden' - she even once saw a bear

    Deer back at the roundabout

    Fallow deer: like those spotted in Halifax

    Fallow deer: like those spotted in Halifax A FAMILY of deer has returned to a busy town-centre roundabout. The RSPCA has been inundated with calls from motorists who spotted the adult female and fawn living on Burdock Way roundabout, Halifax.

    Denise Hill, from the RSPCA, said: "The deer seem quite happy and healthy on the roundabout. It has come back so it must feel safe so we are not taking any action. We appreciate everybody's concern, but it is coping with the traffic and it would be far more stressful to move it.

    "People are surprised to see it, but there are a lot more deer about coming nearer to the town centre. They have been spotted in Copley, Sowerby Bridge, and even Eureka car park."

    A pair of deer was sighted on the roundabout last year and it is believed the doe returned in early June. Deer go back to the same place every year to give birth. One motorist said the animals could be fallow deer but Carolyn Vickery, from Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, said: "We suspect they are roe deer. There are a lot about at the moment."

  • dawg

    Looks alot like Georgia,... Pretty deer by the way

  • Dorktacular

    Yeah, those are elusive little creatures! I learned how to find them, though. Get a big ass Dodge Ram and drive down the road in the middle of the night with your lights on and horn blaring! They'll come running, often right in front of your vehicle! I hit one on my wife's birthday comming home from dinner. I also learned that a full size pickup truck going about 70 can turn one of those suckers into a fine pink mist! Cost me several thousand dollars in damage, too. Oh well.

    The kicker.... Are you ready for this..... you know it's comming...... wait for it..... here it comessssss.....

    MY dad said "Well, if you were still a Witness you wouldn't have been out late celebrating a birthday and you wouldn't have hit that deer!"

    Can you feeeeeel the love? I know I can!

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