Mouthy, Deputy Dog, Apostate Kate, and Investigator74

by AuldSoul 32 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AuldSoul

    I met these folks over the weekend, and I am glad I did. Grace got a couple of pictures of herself flanked by myself and the towering Deputy Dog.

    I missed hearing Apostate Kate speak on Sunday because I was only able to steal away for a few hours on Saturday.

    Grace is so sweet!

    I hope Trevor keeps his word and pays her back, but I will be surprised if he does. She gave (enough to convert to about £22 or £23). She tried to give me money, too. She saw I only had $6.00 in cash with me and felt sorry for me. I explained that I had debit cards with sufficient money in the accounts.


  • Dansk

    Glad your meetup went well. Any chance of seeing some piccies?


  • BFD

    That is so nice. I cannot wait to meet Grace in person face to face. I will make that happen.

    Now Granny, what did I tell you about sending money to people? I did not know you sent trev money!

    Trev if you're reading this I suggest you mail the money back to Grace today. I will be watching your tired old ugly sorry ass. That is a promise.


  • AuldSoul


    Hello fellow! I assume Grace will be posting pics as soon as she is able to get them scanned (or developed to CD). She had a disposable 35mm with her.

    I wish I had thought to take my digital camera with me. The drive up was beautiful as well, with the leaves changing.


  • snowbird

    Trev if you're reading this I suggest you mail the money back to Grace today. I will be watching your tired old ugly sorry ass. That is a promise.


    Priceless!!! ROFL.


  • Sunspot

    I started a thread last night to invite comments and pictures from you folks that were fortunate enough to attend the convention. I sure hope somebody has pics to share!

    Aren't the grounds beautiful? I know how impressed I was with just EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE there. It was one of the most enjoyable experiences of my life.

    Did you get to meet DocBob and his sweet wife....or AOL's Sybil, or any others from JWD? I want to hear it ALL, LOL!



  • Invetigator74

    I enjoyed the WNJ convention immensely!!! I'll be back next year!Enjoyed the spiritual food(not from the FD class, lol)and testimonies.I finally met by beloved Mom in Christ Grace!! What a wonderful person, Amen! Grace(and Auldsoul,Apostate Kate,Deputy Dog,and the many other brothers and sisters I meet) if you reading this I made a mistake. I'm not Researcher74 but Investigator74. Senility is setting in rapidly and I'm only 50 lol.Anyway look forward to hearing from you all and possibly seeing you next year at the 2008 WNJ convention. God Bless!

  • AuldSoul


    I so very much wanted to meet you.

    I sat by Deputy Dog when I first got there, but had no idea who he was from JWD. After lunch I sat with Grace for a couple of hours before I had to head back to the Student Home. I met Doc Bob briefly, but didn't get to talk with him much. I did not meet his wife. I met Apostate Kate's husband—who has never been JW and probably (properly?) thinks we're all nuts for ever having been.

    I also met Rick Fearon, but his wife wasn't feeling well so our conversation was very brief. I hope he and I will be able to talk more. I didn't formerly realize he'd been interviewed by Löesh for a seat on the Governing Body. I am anxious to hear some details of that process.

    I had a grand time, met lots of people; but for the content of the program you'd be better off letting Deputy Dog or Grace fill you since I missed so much of it.


  • AuldSoul

    Well, I can't edit everyone's subject line, but at least the top one is fixed, Investigator74.

    Good meeting you! God bless!

  • Sunspot
    I sat by Deputy Dog when I first got there, but had no idea who he was from JWD.

    Some folks don't put their screen names on their ID tag, and you never realize unless you mention who YOU are that you might have been conversing with them online for ages! I put "SUNSPOT" first, and then my name on mine, LOL!

    I am glad you enjoyed your day and maybe next year we can finally get to share that hug! (Isn't Grace just the BEST ever?) She is quite a gal!



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