It seems I have my JW brother back

by MegaDude 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Metamorphosis

    Wow - incredible. Congrats - we can all have hope that slowly, the snares the WT puts down, will be broken free of. A huge step for him to take - and a huge part of your life back; awesome.


  • GoingGoingGone

    That's sooo great! I'm so happy for all of you!!


  • blondie

    Great, Megadude. My brothers would have to leave their wives to be able to see me and I'm only inactive. The cooling started when we were jws and it became apparent that my sisters in law controlled things and they did not want any contact with their jw in laws. Maybe the light will dawn.

    But I'm so happy for you.


  • sweet pea
  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    Megadude - what wonderful news - I'm so pleased for you.

    Just goes to show we should never give up hope for our loved ones lost to the cult.


  • wanderlustguy

    that's awesome, makes my day.

  • Rabbit


    This is like a dream come true for me. You could see my brother was happy seeing everyone over at his home. He hugged all of us goodbye. He told one of my sisters he is not shunning us anymore. Man, I'm so happy about this I can hardly type.

    Congrats ! I'm so glad your patience is starting to pay off. I hope this is just the beginning for all of you.

    I am doing the same with my children and one of them has responded very well. I'll continue to patiently wait and work on the other two. It's been 10 years for me and I'm only faded and inactive. But, I'll never give up !

    And...Thank You for bringing this happy news to the board today. With all the "News of the Weird" we've had...this is very welcome.


  • Quandry

    Wonderful news. I know that he is feeling great relief from the pain this must have been causing him. Maybe further developments will come.....

  • ferret

    Congratulations MegaDude....Has there been more new light, in the past week I have had to longtime shunners speak to me or greet me. They've got me totally baffled.

  • serendipity

    Fantastic news!!! Congrats to all of y'all!!!

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