The concept of entitlement

by blueviceroy 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 5go
    We all get what we deserve sooner or later, and when you look deep inside and ask yourself "what is me" you will discover what is deserved

    Well, I guesss there is no injustice in the world then.

    You know all mob leaders die in prison.

    No one ever made there riches from illgotten gains.

    All the hard working people die OK, not to rich, not to poor, just OK.

    You are trying to make a complex thing in to a simple thing, that just is not true all the time. Some people do get shafted, not every one; and some of those that get shafted don't take it well, not all of them.

  • blueviceroy

    Its something I see in a lot of people all the time . It's mental laziness that people in general have that leads them to lean on others far to much for information and they just accept what is given and alot of people seem to feel that they are entitled to something without putting forth effort to obtain it as an individual

    Perhaps I shouldn't post half formed ideas lol

    People sometimes don't feel they should be responsible for the lies they believe and become bitter as if someone owes them something because they feel robbed or betrayed and that is the sense of entitlement I am thinking of

    Like I said polititions will NEVER solve anything niether will activists or lobbyists .I don't watch the news I don't care about the news The news is a concern for people that feel they can change other people with the volume of information in the head

    I use my >understanding < to improve the condition of the world around me ( you know the part I can actually have some impact on) concerning myself with things I have no control over is a waste

    The only truly benificial thing an ordinary person can do is not cause a need to arise.

  • 5go
    Its something I see in a lot of people all the time . It's mental laziness that people in general have that leads them to lean on others far to much for information and they just accept what is given and alot of people seem to feel that they are entitled to something without putting forth effort to obtain it as an individual

    There you go again your are taking a complex idea and trying to make a simple one out of it. We all rely on others for information. Sometimes we get lucky and it's good sometimes sadly it isn't. We may even try to source it or get a second opinion which may or may not exist in our circumstances.

    You know when you look back at history at some thing really dumb, and you think "why did they do that?". The answer may be that they did not of have the info to make a wise decision, on that matter, at that time.

    People sometimes don't feel they should be responsible for the lies they believe and become bitter as if someone owes them something because they feel robbed or betrayed and that is the sense of entitlement I am thinking of

    That is not a sence of entitlement that is a sence of justice ( righteousness ) or morality. They feel wronged and they want it made right. They feel the have a entitlement ( right ) to be made whole again.

  • blueviceroy

    If I was getting shafted I would not expect help. If I was being murdered I would not expect to be saved I would expect to be shafted and murdered.

    Death and suffering come to all it's a fact , noone likes it . Each person must learn to accept the life we lead as lesson adn life is not about feeling warm and fuzzy

    why assume so much when so little is apparent ? Life is perfect the suffering is for a reason the love is for a reason death is for a reason .

    Removing the bad leaves no comparison for good . Is bad really bad? That is a subjective question. If you are the recipiant of bad then it's negative If you are the lion that ate the sheep it's good

    A wealthy man would say poverty is good because it allows so much power for him.

    A feeling of compassion for suffering does not constitute an understanding of wrong and right

    It's presumptious and arrogant the assume the mantle of decision

    In the larger scheme all our trivial struggles only take our species a little closer to our destiny and will measure as next to nothing when weighed against the ultimate reality

  • journey-on

    Ah!! Mental laziness. IMO, this describes many Jehovah's Witnesses to a tee. The information is out there

    to research and study. But, they don't do it. They allow themselves to be spoon fed the pablum the WTS calls

    spiritual food and the rank and file are content to lap it up without questioning or researching anything for themselves.

    They accept "hook, line, and sinker" what is told to them by the FDS and never wrap their brain around the meat of anything.

    Individually, they don't work for what they are receiving. They take it and eat it up and never question it. Then later, if they

    find out they were lied to, they will find "the system" (the WTS) to blame.....never themselves for being intellectually lazy.

    blueviceroy: I've weaned myself from so much news here lately myself. I've decided there's not a dime's worth of difference

    in any politician and whether they're Democrat or Republican or something in between, they are in somebody's pocket. I feel

    a bit guilty in letting my civil attentiveness diminish, but you are right: Focus on YOUR world and what you can do to change

    and improve it. I guess if everybody did that individually, put altogether, we could change the overall world.

  • 5go
    If I was getting shafted I would not expect help. If I was being murdered I would not expect to be saved I would expect to be shafted and murdered.

    Good you might not get it so your ready for the real life.

    Death and suffering come to all it's a fact , noone likes it . Each person must learn to accept the life we lead as lesson adn life is not about feeling warm and fuzzy

    Just because some thing is going to happen does not mean one has to like it; or just settle for pain, and a short life.

    why assume so much when so little is apparent ? Life is perfect the suffering is for a reason the love is for a reason death is for a reason .

    So is survival.

    Removing the bad leaves no comparison for good . Is bad really bad? That is a subjective question. If you are the recipiant of bad then it's negative If you are the lion that ate the sheep it's good

    Is there really good, and bad; or are they concepts we create our selves?

    A wealthy man would say poverty is good because it allows so much power for him.

    Also a weathy man may do things, to keep others poor, so he may stay rich and powerful ( see 1800's monopolies )

    A feeling of compassion for suffering does not constitute an understanding of wrong and right

    Is there a right and a wrong I just get tired of seeing the rich stomping down on the poor like they are ants.

    It's presumptious and arrogant the assume the mantle of decision

    This idea is a two edged sword hold it carefully.

    In the larger scheme all our trivial struggles only take our species a little closer to our destiny and will measure as next to nothing when weighed against the ultimate reality

    That assumes we have a destiny and that there is an ultimate reality. It also assumes every thing you may think is trival is just that trivial.

  • 5go
    IMO, this describes many Jehovah's Witnesses to a tee.

    Just witnesses? I would add Bushies, Neocons, Christians, Most muslims not all, and most of the estabishment in the west.

  • blueviceroy

    Very good 5go you get my point exactly . You are not accepting anything except what you have LEARNED as your truth . Noone gave it to you you found it on your own .

    I have no strong feelings about anything that takes place in this existence.

    I live only to shine the light of my understanding in the hope that I my illuminate something for someone or inspire a free thought in another person

    Acceptance is when you believe something to be real , it has nothing to do with how you feel or what you do with your feelings,

    There is no justice in this world only the reality of what is

    The only one who suffers from anger is the angry person no one else cares ,

    Life is a struggle learn or drown in the ocean as you fight the tide

  • blueviceroy

    BTW this is the ultimate reality, we are here are we not?

  • 5go
    BTW this is the ultimate reality, we are here are we not?

    IDK if you factor in aliens, evolutionary ideas, and other dimensional plains ( the current science believes at least the last one is provable under current knowledge ) maybe this is not the ultimate reality ? I disagree with science on time travel so that puts me at odds with their theory of the multiverse (the plain above our universe that binds this universe to the other unversi ) I don't rule it out there being one I just don't believe time travel is possible. Too many paradox's to work out in to make time travel work.

    Your statement is based on the point of view we are the top of the food chain. We may not be on the top; We may be on the bottom; or we maybe in the middle; or there may be no top, bottom, or middle.

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