by Uzzah 83 Replies latest members meetups

  • prodigal_son

    I realy wish I could go but I have things to do this weekend. I am knew to this site so It would be fun to find other X-JoHo's!!! Have a good one guys!!!

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Welcome prodigal_son! I think the Toronto people getting together is going to be a regular thing (atleast I hope so!!), so maybe one of these times you'll be able to make it.

    Uzzah, there is the possiblity that tremoka and Master T are coming.


  • Gopher

    Uzzah -- sounds fun. Last fun time I had in a costume, you were there too!

  • truthsearcher

    Any chance we could do something in K-W area, maybe make it a bit more family-friendly (say, lunch, less drinking, kids could come too?) Just a thought

  • Uzzah

    I think having a K/W Fest is definitely a necessity, especially if it means Grace can join us. It also allows for more of the South Western Ontario folks to join in!

    But I may have bad news for me for Saturday. I have just been put on stand by to deploy to California to assist in the evac ops down there. If I go I'll be flying out tomorrow morning. Exciting trip but I miss out on the party.

    The reservation is under my last name so just ask for the "Smith" reservation and y'all can still meet up and enjoy yourselves. Memario and Finally Free have agreed to handle the massages in my absence.


  • mouthy

    If I go I'll be flying out tomorrow morning. Exciting trip but I miss out on the party.

    Safe trip!!!! Sweetie XX at least you wont have a "big headache" after the flight like I am sure you must have had after the last gathering

  • mouthy

    think having a K/W Fest is definitely a necessity, especially if it means Grace can join us. It also allows for more of the South Western Ontario folks to join in!

    How nice of you to say that. Thanks but I am NOT a drinker !!!! I infact hate the stuff, I lived around to many boozers all my life to enjoy it....But would love to meet some in a restraunt or one time we had a big gathering ( our support group) with a great picnic one summer. It was GREAT fun, some brought their instuments , we had 3 legged races, lots of kids loved it. Spoon races, sing songs OLD LADIES love that ....O.K. I heard you all sigh & say "NO THANKS!!!!!!

  • Paralipomenon

    I think a K-W get together would be great, and a family setting would work good too so both bobbi and I can come. (babysitters for 3 little boys are rather difficult to find and expensive!)

  • Uzzah

    No Mouthy it wouldn't be a drink fest. I liked Truthsearcher's (and now Para's) idea of making it family friendly, but I draw the line at sack races. LOL

  • eclipse

    but this saturday is going to be for adults still, correct?

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