Carl (larc) - A Tribute

by Farkel 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Farkel, thank you for posting this thread. I guess the timing couldn't been better! I also enjoyed Larc's posts. He clearly was not a bullsh*tter.

    Farkel, about that lunch with your girl and me.....

  • Leolaia

    What a nice tribute! Hugs for Jan: (((Zazu))))

    I have the old Berta & Bonnie thread all ready to go, nicely preserved and formatted in a PDF (13.6 MB). Lady Lee was checking on seeing if there was space on the JWD server to host it. If there is, then I would love to see Farkel restart his thread first with a link to the PDF (with the old discussion) and then a repost of his original essay. Let's see if the file can be hosted here.

  • Gopher

    I never met Carl, but I interacted with him some on this board, and sure miss him.

    His insight on the private life of JF Rutherford (as told in Farkel's post) is a must-read for any ex-JW, because JF Rutherford re-invented the WTS and formed the JW' structure and style that still exists today. Only some details and doctrrines have been changed.

    Rutherford is still revered among the JW's to this day. His behind-the-scenes shenanigans are not mere titillating gossip, but cast a very heavy shadow on his reputation and claim to lead what he called "God's organization". He set the precedent for the authoritarian and secretive ways of WTS leadership that are still followed.

  • proplog2

    Larc was very objective. He helped me out of a few flame wars.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    It's been almost 2 years since Carl passed away. I can't even count how many times I have thougtht of him (partly because my sister's death was posted the same day).

    I recall having some discussions with larc and felt honored by his support of my posts here on JWD

    Leo - expect a PM

  • trevor

    Carl was one of the first people to great me when I joined this forum six years ago. He treated me with great respect and defended and supported me. We had some good discussions.

    A great man and much missed man who passed away too soon. But such is life - or death.

    At least he seemed to have achieved what he needed to before the end came.

    To Carl...

  • Farkel

    : Good question...why did you post this thread today..did you know it was his birthday?

    Jan asked me that, too. I don't claim that any mystical stuff happened to me, BUT. There is a one in 365 chance that I happened to think about Carl on or just near his birthdate, and just happened to think about saying something nice about him after several years of his passing to this board.

    Honestly, I never thought much about Carl after he died. Most people think about loved ones for about 3 days after they die and that is it. They get on with their lives. Carl was my friend but he wasn't a close family member or anything like that.

    So WHY did I chose to give him a tribute? I do not know. I only had one similiar and eerie experience before my dad died. I knew he was dying. I also normally get up at about 5 to 6 in the morning. That day, I jumped out of bed as fresh as a daisy but several hours earlier than usual. Ten minutes later I got the call that Dad had died.

    Carl. Dad. I don't know. Somethings powerful (or amazing coincidences) are at work here. Or maybe they aren't. How can we know?

    Farkel, ever the student of life's mysteries

  • lisavegas420

    So WHY did I chose to give him a tribute? I do not know. I only had one similiar and eerie experience before my dad died. I knew he was dying. I also normally get up at about 5 to 6 in the morning. That day, I jumped out of bed as fresh as a daisy but several hours earlier than usual. Ten minutes later I got the call that Dad had died.

    Carl. Dad. I don't know. Somethings powerful (or amazing coincidences) are at work here. Or maybe they aren't. How can we know?

    Farkel, ever the student of life's mysteries

    Excellent...I love when this happens.

    Thank you again.


  • onacruse

    Carl was the first person to post back to me on JWD. I was so scared to post (it was my first post on any db anywhere) that I buried it on like page 4 of some thread about alcohol abuse at Bethel.

    He made me feel very welcome, and I will always remember him.

    However, in fond memory, I will say that sometimes he could be a bit of a scrappy old fart. LOL

    ((Jan)), I'm glad to see that you're doing OK. I left a voicemail for you a couple of months ago, just to check in. Hoping that all is well with you.


  • Fleur

    Oh, I am so sad to hear this. He really helped me a lot back in my exjw infancy. . .and boy did I need the help. I hope he's having a wonderful time where ever he is now, and big hugs for his sweetie (((((((((jan))))))))

    .."The Early Day`s of JWD"....This place was a Wild West Show!.....Flame Wars everywhere!.....Troll`s abounded!.....Farkel "DipF*cked!!"anyone that messed with him..LOL!!.....St.Satan(Satanus now),Larc and I hunted Troll`s for sport.There were so many..LOL!!.....Those were the "Early Days of JWD"...OUTLAW

    OMG do I remember those days. I didn' think I'd survive them- hung over with all that jw rhetoric running around in my brain about 'evil' apostates. who'd have guessed that i'd turn out to be just another turnip on that truck. Carl. . .fly high, and have peace, my dear you will be sorely missed.. hugs essie -of the sorry i'm too tired to turn off the quote box thingie, class.

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