It makes me sad to see Ray Franz looking this feeble...

by deaconbluez 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • lv4fer

    I think its AWESOME. He is doing great for his age. May he continue live on as long as he is able.

  • LongHairGal


    Thank you for that. I don't know where this story came from or if there is any basis to this. I wonder if they could have been referring to somebody else? If so, who??

    They like the idea that an ex-JW is going to come back crawling asking for some kind of deathbed 'repentance'. What I hate is the idea they think you have something to be sorry for.


  • Gozz

    Ray Franz is alright. 84, and on tours? That's wonderful.


  • greendawn

    Not bad for an 85 year old let's not forget that relatively few people make it to that age but his spirit seems to be quite intact.

  • besty

    you can see the videos of the meetings here

  • Atlantis

    Many thanks for the videos! If you really want to see a twinkle in Ray's eyes just start talking to him about brother Emil Van Daalen and his wife Betty Jane!

    (Emil Van Dallen--see page 460 of the "Proclaimers" book-- branch overseer in Puerto Rico--back many years ago.)

    When I pioneered with brother Van Dallen, all he could talk about was Ray Franz, and then, when I talked with Ray Franz, he loved to talk about Emil Van Dallen!

    It was a mix and match! Both of these brother have the highest love and respect for each other.

    The last time I spoke with Ray he was just as sharp as always!

    I hope I am as sharp as Ray when I am in my 80's--which isn't to far away!

    Thanks again my friends!

    Cheers! Atlantis-

  • eddie c
    eddie c

    I gave a copy of Rays book to one of the elders from my old Kingdom Hall. Some time later the elder turned up at my home sat down put his head in his hands and said "This book describes what i am going through". He later resigned as an elder and drifted out of the Watchtower. He did retain his belief in God-Jesus and realised that he had been putting his faith in the wrong Place.

    Rays book has helped so many people.....God bless him.


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