My first post

by Dianna 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dianna

    I was kind of skeptical about registering or even posting anything on this site but after a long struggle of going back and forth and after talking to a friend telling me that it would be good for me I decide to do it.

    I grew up in a Jehovah Witness house hold. It all was great a had a wonderful childhood but everything went down hill when I started to have my own opinion on things. As I headed to my teenage years I felt more like an outcast. My parents started to have problems with the way a dressed, the music I listened to, the friends I had and the people I wanted to date. One of the things that really bothered me was not being able to have friend that were not witnesses but any how that went on for a couple of years.

    One day I was on this website and through music I found the person that would practically changed my life. I started talking to this guy under the weirdest of circumstances but for some reason I wanted to talk to him( looking back on thing I understand why). As the witness that I was at the time I wanted to preach to him because he was a really nice person and he seemed interested in bible topics (at that time I had no idea what I was getting myself into). So time when on and we used have these long conversation about all kind of things and every single time that we went into bible topics he came to me with so much information that I was left winded because I didn’t know how to counter what he was saying. For a time I was in denial of what I was learning from him. So I did research about everything that he was showing me because I thought that their had to be an explanation to what he was saying . The things I found were shocking and disappointing at the same time. This continued for sometime time and he still continued to showed me things that I don’t think I would have ever learned on my own. I would still be spiritually blinded if it wasn’t for this person. I am so grateful that God somehow but him in my life.

    After learning all of this I couldn’t be a JW anymore so I gave a letter to one of the elders telling him my situation and telling them I was leaving the organization not because I did any bad just because I wanted to leave. When I did that my life turn around completely. I was left with no friends my family was not speaking to me and I entered a very deep depression because of this. I have been like this for a few months now. I want to know how is life after leaving the organization???

    How have all of you surpass all of this?

  • R.F.

    Welcome Dianna, and thank you for deciding to post!

    I really appreciate you sharing your story here. I'll be sending you a PM(private message) shortly.


  • zeroday
    I want to know how is life after leaving the organization???

    How have all of you surpass all of this?

    The longer you are in the harder it is to overcome. I was in 28 years and been out 3 years and have not yet overcome, I really don't know if I will. Therapy might help. Being here and seeing how others cope can also help. The shunning part is the hardest not so much for me as I had no immediate family on the inside but people I have known for over 20 years disappeared in an instant. That can be hard realizing that your so called friends were not in reality...

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Diana,

    First of all...(((HUGS)))!!! You have come to the right place to get past this point in your life. I promise it will get better. The more you research, the more you will recover, because you won't have the guilt so many carry for leaving. When you discover the things you have, there is a natural period when you almost feel like you are mourning. Then, don't be suprised if you get really angry..then finally you should experience a measure of peace. These are all natural stages, and most here have gone through them. The biggest thing I can suggest is to continue to pray and don't let yourself think you have to throw out your relationship with Jehovah just because you found the organization to be no good. The old saying "don't throw out the baby with the bathwater" is so true. Prayr for comfort, reassurance and peace. He will help you!! The other suggestion is to post here. It was a real form of therapy for me. Having your feelings validated is very important, especially when you feel so alone. Knowing others have discovered the same things as you will be of great support, because we can encourage one another. Hang in there. Please know you are not have all of us!!

    Thank you for your post!


    Lady Liberty

  • V1710

    Hi Diana,

    Welcome. Thanks for sharing your experience. Your not alone in your feelings of loneliness and depression. Leaving JW's can be a monumental loss. When I left and was feeling so lonely I prayed that Jesus would come into my heart and fill the void. I felt much better afterward. I then started to make connections with people in the community and at work. You need a life outside the organization to replace the one you lost. What are your interests, hobbies and past times?

    Think of all the benefits of being free. What were the things you wished you could do that you weren't allowed? Do them. I had a difficult time not judging or feeling guilty about everything I did at first. All I could hear in my head were JW tapes over and over. I found the book A Course In Miracles and that really helped to clear my mind of all the brainwashing.

    Best Wishes and Keep in touch.


  • Gopher

    Welcome to the forum. It's truly sad how the organization takes away any spark of your own personality, and if you dare differ from it they try to take away your whole life (family & friends).

    You have taken a great first step by reaching out to those who have been in your circumstance. You have the chance to find new goals, and friends who will not judge you based on performance in a sales organization posing as a religion.

    The WTS organization attempts to take away our spirit, individuality and initiative. The best revenge is to succeed, proving them wrong when they assert there's no life outside their pathetic organization. You'll find that this forum is behind you all the way as you make your way into a better future, leaving the slavery behind.

  • V1710

    ps. some of my pastimes are mountain biking, cross country skiing, reading, walks, volunteer work. i took some classes and love to read. ENJOY your life.

  • TheCoolerKing

    Congrats on your first post Dianna!!! Glad you found your way here. It does take time to make the adjustment after you leave The Org. But once you do you'll discover the wonders of freedom! I wish you the best of luck!!!

    Hope to read more of your posts in the future!!!



    Dianna, Life can only get better now. Btw, welcome in our discussion board. You will really fit right in among us. We have all been there and understand what you are experiencing. Life really does get better, easier and you'll be so much happier.

    Luv Ya!


  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    • Prozac has helped a lot off and on over the years.
    • So has psychiatric counseling,
    • Education;
    • Staying away from the stupid, rude and abusive people
    • Drinking and drug abuse have been useful at times, but not very helpful.

    Sometimes things are lovely in the real world and a lot of times they're not, but it's real, not a make-believe-daydream- blue pill scenario.

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