Update: Last Nights Meeting

by FadingELD 76 Replies latest jw experiences

  • B.A.S.F.

    I am SOOO proud of you for having the courage to walk away! Your sons will someday thank you. Be assured that there IS life after WTO.

  • jgnat

    First of all, let me give you a SUPER DAD award for sticking up for your boys.

    Second, you can still benefit from marriage counselling, even if you go yourself. Counsellors are great at finding a new perspective on the situation, and at giving you new tools to cope. Counselling helps even if only one partner goes.

    Bravo also for responding so cooly to the family "shock-and-awe" approach. Deal with the wife first. Family can wait.

  • Mulan

    Well, I've been out of town for four days, and find this on the board! Wow, what a time you are having.

    So happy for you and your boys. Be extremely patient and loving with your wife. We went through the same thing in our home (all but one of our children were gone by then) and it was horrendous, but I eventually saw the light. Hang in there.

  • loosie
    I know her better than anybody she will say the answer will be in Jehovah's word not man.

    Then don't let her reason with you using the WT and Awake. those are man's words

  • uwishufish

    Get those kids the best education posible. At an institution where they can build life long freindships. I was denied this as I have no peer freinds. I graduated at 40 B.S. everyone in my classes were not my peers.

    Provide for their education and presure the wife or X to help in this regard.

    Or will you let your offspring wander this world ill equiped?

  • LoverOfTruth

    Hopefully your wife will start to listen to you. If not, you need to be supportive of your kids. They need you.

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Thanks for sharing your situation FadingEld,

    I too, am very proud of you for taking a stand for what is right.

    Your story is an inspiration to thousands of faders everywhere. When push comes to shove you have to stand up for real truth. Its a bummer your fade did not go as you planned, but once you were discovered I think you did the only thing you could by hitting it head on.

    Your comment "I can't believe I let this religion destroy my family" really hit home.

    It is a horribly frustrating situation to have to go through.

    You certainly have our support. If there is anything else you need please let me know. You can pm me.

    The Oracle

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