Are You Decorating Your House For Christmas This Year??

by Lady Liberty 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • reneeisorym

    This will be my third Christmas. The first one I wasn't DAed yet so I was trying to keep quiet. The second one, we had just moved into a new house in November and were barely unpacked and had a hard time finding time to unpack and decorate. This year however, will be different!!!

    I have christmas dishes, towels, and decorations. All of the decorations inside will be replaced with chrismas oriented decorations. We have a tree, lighted garland, lighted stars, and an animated deer. My husband is talking about lining the sidewalk with candy canes or snowflakes or something. I want to buy stuff to change my bathroom into Christmas. (docated towels and soap dish/shower curtain) My kitchen already changes over to Christmas.

    I'm excited!!!... ebay here I come!

  • greendawn

    It's great fun Christmas, to some that weren't JWs in their childhood it brings back pleasant memories. This year I will be buying an artificial tree whereas in the previous ten years I was using real trees. The dubs banned Xmas just to create a sense of alienation towards the rest of society, to raise emotional walls.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Well - nothing THAT big - but we are putting outside lights up this year. A first for us. The tree will be up of course and little more decor than last year. And all the JWD friends cards will hang on the wall in the usual place. I am getting so ready. I am installing outside outlets this next week for the lights.

    HO HO HO

    Well - not this many though.


  • sweetstuff

    Have done so for the last five years, looking forward to it again. Thinking of getting a real tree this year though, instead of the faker I currently have. I love XMAS!!!!

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    NO WAY!!!

    Before everyone dogpiles me allow me to explain.

    I celebrated Christmas every year until 1989. I began studying in '88. My parents had purchased a cabin, (More like a house), in Big Bear so we could have a white Christmas every year with the entire family. Oh it was a pantload of fun. I basically played referee because my lame siblings and in-laws could not behave themselves and act like human beings for a few days so my parents could enjoy the moment.

    After my not participating in the trip to Big Bear, there was no referee. With everyone having freedom to act as immature and selfish as they pleased they quickly did so. So now everyone hates each other, everyone stopped going to Big Bear, and my parents eventually sold the cabin because they got too old to go themselves.

    And who does everyone blame? You guessed it. My religion turned Christmas into a horrible event. If it wasn,'t for that religion getting introduced into this household everything would be just fine or so I was told.

    Over the years I made it known I didn't need a holiday to call or visit Mom or Dad. My parents knew that and they never complained about my "religion". Now that I've faded away there will still be no tree in my house. Despite the origins of Christmas the real reason is that for me, Christmas was never much of a joy.

  • Dorktacular

    My Christmas decorating is limited only by the amount of money I have to spend to decorate! Last year I took a whole week off after Thanksgiving to decorate. I am a Christmas-o-holic. Decorating the tree, watching It's A Wonderful Life, listening to Christmas music... the whole damn thing. And being so happy that I can't stand it! The only thing I don't like about Christmas is buying presents. I'm not very good at it, and I'm usually broke! But, other than that, I love it. Just the time spent with my family is priceless. To wake up on Christmas morning, watch my daughter unwrap her presents and sit and watch a few movies.... it's the best. I don't even care if nobody gets me anything. I just like to sit out on the deck, smoke a big, fat cigar and watch all of the Christmas lights. Yeah......... Christmas. The JWs don't have a clue what they're missing.

  • ninja

    I'm thinking of improving my house.....I'm getting a pig as an air freshener

  • Finally-Free

    I can't be bothered. It's extra work for me, my bird doesn't like it, and no one visits anyway.


  • ninja

    someone from toronto visit finally free.......he's a grumpy bugger ....but under thet gruff exterior beats a heart of stone.....he he

  • Es

    Oh hell yeah Im so going all out this year, considering I got D\F for celebrating it I have no reason to hide,

    Bring on the bling bling


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