Not to sound crazy but.......

by blueviceroy 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • blueviceroy

    Hey you know I'm not suicidal but I lost my fear of death about two and a half years ago . I kind of see it as a relief . I'm in good health I love my family and friends and am greatly loved in return people need and apreciate me now which has always been something I've enjoyed

    But now I'm going nuts in my search for some real meat to sink my spiritual jaws into. I feel that aspect of me as growing and becomeing more insistent everyday for real "spiritual food" JWs gave me dysintary

    .Chrisianity pales when scrutinized and I'm issuficiantly aquainted with any good sources for real spiritual growth . Most stuff I find is like instant mac and cheese . meh ,..

    Could someone post some could links to help a seeker out? I meditate and pray everyday sometimes more than once and it helps my mind stay clear and directs my proccesses better but I think I need a little more on nurturing the inner man and his connection with the infinite

    Any help would be appreciated


    I will watch this thread with interest. Good post.

  • MadTiger

    I would be happy to help you start on your spiritual path.

    If you take the time to look at some of the expressions of spirituality that predate Judaism and Christianity, you may find the truth you seek.

    Don't rule out anything because of some previous prejudice against it. Open yourself to find the truth.

  • blueviceroy

    Opening myself to truth is what caused my quandry . I see a religion and think" hmm what kind of nonsense are these guys pushing" I'm able to see all religions as equal to each other and believe me that took some serious mental gymnastics after all the crap that had been stored in there.

    So now the road is open and free of debri . I think honesty in knowing your own limitations is very important arrogance kills intellect and maims reason . Once again I ask for some "Good News!" but this time I look with my eyes open

  • blueviceroy

    I hate bttt posts but I need some help and here is good help to be found ya?

  • eclipse

    Hi blueviceroy,

    I will wach this thread with interest as well....I wish you new positive awakenings on your journey...

    I found a 'belief' or theory, if you will, that makes sense to me...

    It balances that spiritual emotional side of me and the scientific need for reason and logic.

    I feel good in my own skin. My thoughts are calm and centered...

    When hormones are not wreaking havoc on the chemical impulses and synapses in my brain, all is well in my world.

    We are all living inside our own minds. Sometimes we need to get out.

    It sounds like you need a rest and a vacation as well as spiritual nourishment.

    All the best to you...

  • Maddie

    blueviceroy - I have come to the realisation since finding out that the JW's don't have the "truth" that to look to an organised religion run by men/women is a futile exercise.

    I think spirituality has to be a personal journey. Instead of looking outside ourselves perhaps we need to focus on our inner self. There are plenty of books on ways of doing this, I have just started to read one called "Finding Your Way Home" by Melody Beattie. Some people find meditation a great benefit too.

    Just my thoughts anyway.


  • oompa

    rolling in the parking lot laughing my ass off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I meditate and pray everyday sometimes more than once

    u r a dan holy man!!! monk.....take my hump and robe!!!!...oompa

  • poppers

    Here is my suggestion: turn your attention to discovering what you really are. Not having beliefs is a great start, but what about the most basic, yet unchallenged belief: that you are separate from everything else, that you are what you think you are. It takes courage to do this because you must question what seems so obvious, what appears to be an individual separate and distinct from everything else. There will be lots of resistance to this sort of inquiry, so find out just "who" it is that puts up resistance. The payoff in finding the answer is huge: no more fear, no more suffering, no more judgment of oneself or others, no sense of separation, peace, and a tremendous sense of wholeness and fulfillment. This is what nondualism is about; another name for this is advaita.

  • blueviceroy

    <poppers >that is really what I am strugling with "what am I?" Nothing I seek satisfies. No books no inner journeys .I think maybe I need some advice from a truly enlightened person on seeking the true self thank you

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