Funny comments made at a meeting

by REBORNAGAIN 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • AuldSoul
    WT study conductor looking out towards the back of the hall, "Let's hear from Sister Payne in the rear."

    I thought this was true when it was told to me, but I heard a "worldly" person telling it as a joke a few years later.

    This is not an urban legend. There are a lot of people with the last name Payne or Paine and a lot of settings in life where similar comments would reasonably be made.

    In Valdosta, GA my parents were in a congregation with a Paine family shortly after they got married (many moons ago) and this happened there.

    In Columbus, OH my wife and I were in the Forest Park congregation with a sister Payne. She had an unmarried daughter in the same congregation and one night the conductor called on "Young sister Payne, in the rear." The congregation erupted.

    Most of us just happened to be part of an organization that is probably the most likely to have this occur, since we attended (along with all the "Brothers" and "Sisters" named Payne and Paine) five meetings a week, four of which were rife with Q & A segments. When you consider it that way, it would be odd if it didn't ever happen.


  • HappyDad

    A very loving JW elder who I always respected for being so down to earth gave the public talk at my KH........part of the talk was about sexual immorality and masturbation.

    He made the statement........."you young brothers need to get a hold of yourself"

    Whooooooooooo........the mood went from somber to laughter and he was so cool about it by admiting his choice of words wasn't the best. Because everyone loved this was taken like it should have..........with a grain of salt and laughter knowing what he really meant.

    That was 20 years ago.


  • watson

    Using the scriptural thought that we are like dust on a scale, a brother in his closing prayer said......"for we are but dust..." emphasis on but. You would have had to hear it to appreciate it as we all did. Remember that feeling of not being able to control your laughter during a prayer? Well this was a time when the whole congregation had to work real hard to not lose it.

  • JK666

    I remember a brother while reading the Watchtower on Sunday pronouncing Hitler's regime as the Nayz-eye party repeatedly.

  • changeling

    Yes: I knew a sister Payne and also a sister Shooter.


  • Billzfan23
    I remember one sister commenting about an octopus having "testicles" instead "tenticles."

    I have an audio quote of a brother saying this exact thing in a convention part.. PM me your email address and I can send it to ya! haha...

  • erandir

    WT study conductor looking out towards the back of the hall, "Let's hear from Sister Payne in the rear."

    I thought this was true when it was told to me, but I heard a "worldly" person telling it as a joke a few years later.

    Bonnie/Clyde, this supposedly happened in our congregation, too, according to an elder there. I guess could happen. Many people have that last name and some of them could sit in the back from time to time.

    Editted to add: Sorry, Auldsoul, I didn't read your post before I commented. You mentioned Columbus, OH, having a sister Payne. That could very well be the same sister I'm talking about. She could have visited my Ohio congregation.

  • Cheetos

    I remember oh so many years ago there was this arrogant circuit overseer who came into my congregation were I attended his main talk was centered on secret sins. He felt the need to become quite graphic and relate with children present about a brother who would go to a motel and watch R rated movies and masturbate. I just could not help myself at the time but I burst out laughing at the shear stupidity of the comment, he looked daggers at me and demanded that I leave, so I looked right back at him and said hey sure man, and continued to laugh all the way down the isle, passing to look around at the other brothers and sisters and a few elders in my hall were finding it hard not to laugh them selfs. Since that time, I have come to realize just how pampas so many elders are, and how much I am glad I don't fool around with them any more, what a bunch of mallet heads.

  • mind my own
    mind my own

    I remember once at a bookstudy many years ago there was a brother who was very long-winded when he commented...he went on and on and on...and I had tuned him out b/c his comment went forever until he said "until we are shoveling sh!t in the new system". How I wish I had been listening, b/c I think he was on to something! ha ha.

  • calico

    I, too went to a congo with a Sister Payne and I remember we had a particular elder who would occasionally say stupid things from the platform. I am pretty sure he called on her and said Sister Payne in the rear!

    Same elder mispronounced a sister's name--Her last name was Muka and he called her Sister Mucus!

    Same elder conducted the WT study and out of the blue turned to the brother that was reading and commented that he had a nice suit! Very weird!

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