exiting the watchtower

by jacethespace 30 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Gayle

    The WTS taught us to 'self-condemn' before we could ever criticize or question the WTS about things that were not accurate nor true. Your conscience is speaking to you. You must re-evaluate it all. It may take time but it will get sweeter. The WTS would rather you just be depressed the rest of your life..

  • megsmomma

    Welcome Jace!

    I had those flip-flop feelings for years after I da'd myself. I finally really did some research to discover that there was no way the Society could be directed by God as the only true religion. Now, I am on the path of accepting I don't have all the answers and figuring out what I do believe. It is a journey, and uncomfprtable at times....but, way better than swallowing lies.

    Keep on your path and keep researching to de-brainwash yourself!!

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    HI Jace welcome to the forum

    As a brief suggestion let your intelligence be your guide, gather information on the WTS. and hold on to it, then follow your conscience.

  • tula

    My recommendation, to try to combat the mental fatigue caused by all this confusion is to do a little research on "brain foods" and supplements that support brain development and help with mental exhaustion.

    Also, if you just step away from all the issues totally for awhile and engross yourself in hobby or your work or social life while building your energy with the correct diet, vitamins, and supplements, then, later you will be able to think more rationally. Time away from the issues will give you some distance and the fog will begin to lift.

    By all means, take a vacation away from the neighbors and familiar surroundings if possible.

  • llbh

    Hi Jace, Welcome

    I took quite a long time to fall way. This was deliberate as I did not want too phoney elder visits. They only botherd me once; so much for shepherding!. But it worked for me and for my wife and daughter who still go, it spared them problems. Do what you think will work for you and read here, it helps. Though I am new here there a lot of useful and funny posts. As you can see i am in the uk too so if I can help please contact

    regards llbh

  • hamsterbait

    Tulah's post is verrry interesting.

    At the time of the great ousting of apostates in the early 80's, the advice from the FDS was to "get a hobby," some enjoyable absorbing activity, and "avoid deep bible study."

    There is the answer to your problem.

    Stop reading the deep things of Satan.


  • jwfacts

    Welcome Jace.

    You are lucky to have non-JW family, and should talk with them about what you are going through; the best way to get over a cult is through the support of family and friends.

    Have a look at the article at http://www.jwfacts.com/index_files/mindcontrol.htm Towards the end of the article it lists a number of symptoms people experience when leaving cults, exactly what you are going through now. They are a product of Post Traumatic Shock, and will pass with time. You may find you need professional help to help get over the depression and clear the fear and guilt that the Watchtower Society uses to indoctrinate.

    All the best.

  • LeslieV

    Welcome Jace!!!!!! Keep coming back...there is alot of support here for you.

    Welcomeglitter.gif picture by Lesliev1031


  • jacethespace

    Thank you everyone who sent me messages here, this has helped me a lot.I have spoke to my nan about the watchtower, but ive been finding it difficult to say anything to my mom because ironically she was the one that opposed me doing this from the beginning and told me this was a cult and that they had predicted the end lots times.I always wondered whether i would be going to my mum saying " i told you so".Or whether id be going to her saying "heelllpp".Then again ive never had so much fun since walking away from the watchtower ive been out loads times with my brother,swimming,for a pint and other activities all the things i never had time for when i was sitting[ or should i say falling asleep] behind the watchtower walls.


    Welcome Jace!

    This forum is a wonderful place to vent and figure things out.

    Generally, the best thing you can do is learn to use your own mind instead of believing everything fed from the platform.

    Another thing: learn to use your own free will. Following instructions from the platform, etc. is the same as following the will of the borg, following the crowd, or mob rule which the bible has something to say about, if you will recall.

    You might want to find a therapist who understands cult mentality.



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