Someone else new & could do with as much help as they can get.

by Mr. Majestic 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic

    I would like to say hello and introduce myself. I have read this forum for a while, didn’t know that it existed till some one showed me it, (fellow rebel) about a year ago. So when I got on line a few months ago I thought that I would see what goes on here. I must say that I love the sharp wit and how supportive you people are. It’s a great little community and you should all be very proud of yourselves. So many have come such a long way.

    I was wondering if you could help. I am in a bit of a difficult situation and I have seen the help that you guys have done for other people and I was wondering if I could ask the same being I am in a little trouble. My story so far needs to be said to give the background that is needed so that you can see where I am right now. See what you think……..

    I am caught in a similar position to many that I have seen and read on this site. I was in the "truth" since I was small (about 4 or so) and I went along till I was in my mid teens, when my family fell out of the organization. The exposure to the "truth" shaped my mind to its way of thinking and that was then going to influence my life from then on. But I must say, I didn’t hate being in the truth back then and it was in some way quite a comfort for me. I was a very endearing child and so everyone at the hall liked me, even though I was shy. This is sounding like a "truth" success story but this is the reason why the "truth" didn’t seem so bad.

    The school that I went to was very brutal. It wasn’t a Catholic school as such, it just had some very militant Catholic’s that worked there. They were a tight group and were all likeminded. You get on the bad side of one and you had them all to deal with. Not the best odds for the only witness within 10 miles of the place. I suffered 4 very long years of quite intense physical violence and abuse at their hands from the age of 7 through to 11, just because of the religion of my parents. It was very violent and being a witness, I had few friends to help and support. In fact, the teachers in the classroom used to set the other pupils against me with ridicule more often than not. If that was not happening then I was sent out of the class, just because the teacher "didn’t even want to look at me". That was ok till one of the other teachers would walk by, with you standing outside the classroom, and they would tut, shake their head at you, and look at you with distain. Wouldn’t like to think of how many months I spent out in the corridor. It was quite isolating. These are just a few things that happened. I could go on with so much more, but you get the sense of it….

    So the question you may ask is why did I not tell my witness parents about what was going on. Well the next problem there was the fact that my family was rather dysfunctional. We had the material needs but as for anything else, there was no real input at all. So this means that home life was not too good either. I was the youngest of my brothers and therefore the punch bag. So I was then getting it at home as well. My brother, whom I shared a room with, was very mixed up and would take his problems out on me, being the only outlet for him I suppose. But there was many a night he would torment me when the bedroom lights were out, and again, like school, there was quite a bit of violence and intimidation.

    Now the way that my parents dealt with it all was to look the other way. Their own problems in life meant they didn’t have the know how or emotional energy to face, or even see, the problems that I was having to deal with. So I don’t know weather it was the fact that they didn’t see what was going on or the fact that they didn’t want to see what was going on. But what gets me now is thinking about how many times I used to come home from school, sometimes with blood all in my hair, highlighted very much with how blonde, almost white my hair was, and they didn’t see what the problem was. I never told them direct what was going on at the school because of the intimidation that I was under. It sounds stupid to most people, but I used to lie to my parents about how these injuries happened because I thought if I told them the truth of what was going on then I would be in trouble. So I kept everything in and dealt with life on my own, using the coping mechanisms that a child of 8 or so has. Trouble there is you stop growing as a child, and you just hang on and survive.

    At the age of 12 we moved from that town and it was a lot easier for a while. Then we dropped out the "truth", which I was so glad of because then I didn’t have to get up on Sunday. Yes!!!!! I got on with things the best I could, but there were going to be problems to come. I was using isolation for a protection and just withdrew from the world around, never learned how to integrate with people, and locked myself away. Not a good move in hindsight…..

    Finished my school life, only had one or maybe 2 friends (though not really), people who I knew were safe. Never had girlfriends, classic symptoms of the past abuse. But then at the age of about 20 this bad lifestyle was taking its toll on me. My emotional needs were kicking in and killing me from the inside out. And the emotional isolation was unbearable. So one night, when I was really close to the edge, I was passing the kingdom hall. The memory of the past came to mind, being it was the only safe place of my childhood, where people had shown some amount of affection. I also had taken to heart the prophecies that had been talked about when I went before, and I used to go hot thinking about them on the many occasions that I was on my own. So driving by, I thought that it was the answer to the problems that I had, I would have people that loved me, I would be able to open up and grow emotionally, I could trust these people because they are Gods people at the end of the day. Just the answer for someone who was in a desperate state. And I lived happily ever after. The end………….

    I spent the next 8 years going at it before I started to flag a little, the problems that I had were just compounded and then started to come out again. The only problem there is the demand the truth puts on you to perform the criteria it requires of you. What I was able to do started to drop and as there is no real emotional input from the "truth", it was not long before I crashed. Ouch. But what made things JUST sooooo much better was the fact that now, the reason why I felt so bad was because I didn’t love Jehovah enough, confirmed by the "brothers" of course. I don’t need to go on as to what else was said, you will be able to guess. Guilt, self-condemnation, failure, rejection, just about everything the past gave me, but one more, the joy of being rejected and now condemned by god himself. Even he hated me now. The really stupid thing is I was still trying to hold onto the hope for another 6 years, despite the fact that I was not functioning as a JW.

    But during those 6 years I started to look into the truth to see why I failed, and found out all that is wrong with the organization. I was lucky to have the "Harp of God", which told me enough of what I needed to know to see through it. The beginning of this year I read books by Raymond Franz and that was the finish of it. So now can I say that I lived happily ever after?

    Unfortunately not so. Not only have I lost the wasted years in the "truth", I am now back to the beginning of where I was when I walked into the hall when I was 20. Leaving the truth leaves you with no friends, apart from a few people that are apostates. I shunned the world and have always maintained it to not be a nice place, something childhood taught me. Now the only way that I will get help is to go into it, something I really don’t wish to do but know that I have to. But the problem is that the past has not been healed, and the void and isolation, the total lack of emotional input means that I am in no way capable of integrating into a world that I have been in fear of all my life. So many barriers and no allies. I have lost faith in any God and just don’t know what to think in that regards, and I can’t say that I wish to think anymore about him either. I feel a bit Pis*ed off at him if I’m honest.

    So what I need help on is this. I have lost everything, I have nothing and no one, I don’t have faith or God anymore, I have the past inhibiting me from normal functioning, along with the bad lessons taught in the truth. The heart inside me is killing me because of the neglect it has suffered all its life. I am in a bit of a state and just don’t know what to do or where to turn. Desperation and despair has kicked in a few months ago, and is not going away and there is nothing that I can see on the horizon that gives any hope of change. So with hopelessness and meaninglessness, all I have is the childhood ability to just "survive". But that is fine till I worked out I have no reason to. Now I’m in trouble!!!!!!

    Sorry this post is so long. I won’t do it again. But any suggestions as to what to do next would really be appreciated. The heart is beyond breaking point. It needs input and any patch work just won’t work. The heart knows what it needs, and is very sick and ill because of never having its needs met. The trouble with the heart is if it dies, then so do you……

    Any suggestions and help would really be valued

    Not quite the way that I wanted to say hello to everyone, but the above is really taking its toll at the moment. It’s not often I get in this predicament.

  • SnakesInTheTower

    Welcome MM

    Sorry this post is so long. I won’t do it again.

    dont worry about that...feel free to vent anytime. I often do. As for help...this place is of great help...its like a therapy session and social club all in one... I've made friends with people here and will get to meet some in person this weekend for the first time....

    I am on my way out of the Organization (aka The Borg) myself....(you can go back and read my history if you are bored LOL) and I suffer from some of the same social ineptness as you describe. The only thing I can say is...reach out to your non-JW co-workers, non-JW relatives, and make new non-JW friends.... even if you have any JW friends left, they will always be torn in their loyalties to you...often they are envious of your new found freedom but dont dare state it...

    Just hang around here and let me warn you, this place can be addictive. We don't just talk about JW stuff or ex-JW stuff. As the owner of this board once stated (and I loosely paraphrase)...his goal for us is to be ex-exJWs (meaning we can finally move on from being a JW, to walking away from being a JW, to finally just being a human being....)

    And just another thing... you will see all kinds here... JW apologists (lovingly referred to as trolls) who may cause trouble once in awhile....and a few with radical views that basically say...just walk away from JW without a second thought.... we all have to handle this the best we can...and with support from those here...via PM (forum internal messaging), email, phone, in will do fine...

    enjoy the journey...enjoy your freedom

    SnakesInTheTower (of the "finally walked away" Sheep Class)

  • ex-nj-jw

    Mr. Majestic welcome to JWD and it doesn't matter how you introduce yourself, it only matters that you did!

    I'm sorry for all the trauma in your life. Have you by any chance looked into counseling? Therapy? I think that is the route you need to go for starters. If you work, does your employer provide Assistance, here it's called Employee Assistance and it's a wonderful resource.

    If you are feeling like ending you life please call a crises hotline in your area, they will even talk to you if you just need someone to vent to and can direct you to more intensive help/care/therapy.

    Please continue to post here, vent share you feelings. There is always someone here to lend a listening ear and offer advise and support. I'm sure others will be along shortly to add their input. Hang in there, things will get better. You have to be patient and be willing to work through it. I know i've wished many times that there was a magic pill to make everything better. JWD has lots of sympathetic and empathetic ears (eyes) and we will try to help where and when we can.


  • journey-on

    Welcome to JWD, Mr. Majestic. This site is for people just like you, to help you vent, help you find your way, and help you work through the pain of having been part of that false religion.

    I always like to say that "the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." You’ve taken the first step by reaching out.

    Thanks for sharing your story. We all have hills and valleys on the landscape of our life. You sound like you’re in a valley right now. It will get better and better. There are lots of folks here with a great deal of wisdom and compassion. Stick around and talk with us.

    It’s always a good idea to seek counseling if you feel the burden is too much. Pick up the phone and call a mental health professional if you need to. There are county and state agencies that are available also with mental health experts.

    You're among friends on this board. And as Snakes pointed out, very diverse! lol

  • Gopher

    Hi Mr. Majestic, welcome to the forum. You have come to the right place for support.

    I don't know that there are any "magic bullet" answers. You're rebuilding your life almost from scratch, and it will take a while. The journey will be worth it, although you may not feel so sure right now.

    Here is a link to a collection of "recovery" posts that one of our forum moderators assembled:

    When we leave JW's, there is a certain adjustment period just to start trusting a little in yourself and in so-called "worldly" people. The JW's take all that away, due to their teaching that only THEY and their associates can be trusted, and that you're never good enough.

    It's hogwash. You ARE good enough to create goals and start taking steps to reach them. Don't let ANYONE (including yourself) say otherwise. And generally you will be able to find people who are kind and supportive, both here and in real life. It takes some effort, but is worth it.

    Your writing is clear, logical and has a sense of ironic wit. I enjoyed the style, but I cringed at some of the details you had to tell. But you're being honest and facing things head on, and to me this shows you will be able to find meaning and hope if you allow yourself to.

    I grew up JW, and bought into it. I trusted the organization and the people in it, into my adulthood. Then I found out that it isn't the loving brotherhood that it advertised. I was over-trusting towards JW's and got taken advantage of . I never learned how to take charge and make decisions.

    Now that I'm out on my own, I finally learned it was okay to take charge, and it is okay to say no when you need or want to. I learned to set boundaries and pursue what was right for me, not what someone else decided was right. I'm still on that journey, it gets better.

    Best wishes and please stay with us a while!

  • snowbird

    Hello and welcome, Mr. Majestic.

    I'm sorry you had to suffer such a rough childhood, but you are not alone in that regard.

    There are so many here with bruised hearts thanks to the sterile nature of the WTS. My advice to you and to them is to draw close to the Savior.

    You can find Him by reading the Gospels in a good translation other than the NWT. I recommend starting with the Gospel of John and moving on to the other three. Also, a counseling session with a licensed, reputable therapist who can help you sort through things might not be a bad idea.

    Whatever you decide to do, please stay here for a while and get to know many of the kind and loving posters on this board. I predict you will like it here.


  • Maddie

    Hello MM,

    You are in the right place so welcome ! There are so many here that are going through the same pain as you, and also many that have felt like you do but come through it all.

    It would probably be a good thing to see your doctor if you are depressed and therapy can help.

    Keep posting on JWD and you will find love and support to help you through your pain.


  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    Hugs to you Mr. Majestic. And welcome. You're amongst friends here.

    I understand the sense of hopelessness you feel. I still struggle with it. As a jw, there is a meaning to everything, an answer for everything, an explanation for everything. There is the promise that god is taking stock of your suffering and will one day reward you for your hurts. Now, you realize there's no cosmic knight in shining armor coming to take the hurt away and miraculously heal your childhood wounds, nor offer you an explanation for why people hurt you as they did. It sucks. It's a betrayal and letdown of the worst kind. Your heart, as you aptly expressed, "is beyond breaking point. It needs input and any patch work just won’t work. The heart knows what it needs, and is very sick and ill because of never having its needs met."

    Yes, your heart is ill. It aches. Life is suffering. It's a far cry from the paradise we were promised. But we are here. And we must make the best of it one step, one moment, one hour, one day at a time. I've been out for two years and there are still days where I battle the hopeless, suicidal thoughts. There are days where my heart aches so deeply I think it will explode. But there are also days where I enjoy and savor life and am glad I am seeing it through the eyes of freedom.

    I too recommend getting some therapy. Being a jw does not prepare you for life in the real world. And it sounds like your family of origin didn't help much in that regard either. So, understandably, you would feel overwhelmed by the world you face now. It often feels like you've come to the planet for the first time and you're trying to figure out how the natives live. It's not easy, and you deserve to have some help. Continue to post here as often as you need to. There is a wealth of experience, wisdom and love here. For a bunch of crazy apostates, we're a pretty good bunch! :)

    tall penguin

  • LisaRose

    Hang in there, it will take time to rebuild your life and heal from the emotion abuse you have faced. You are ahead of the game in that you understand the impact your childhood abuse and the the abuse by the org has had on you. Keep telling yourself that you weren't a failure because you weren't a good JW. It's pretty much impossible to be a good JW unless you are a mindless robot IMHO. As many have stated you need counseling. It's very hard to work through these issues on your own. It takes time to make friends. Take classes in things you are interested in and be open to meeting new people. Hang out at the local coffee shop, the library, wherever people meet. Volunteering is a great way to meet other people, plus it makes you feel better about yourself. I also find meditation to be a good way to work through difficult feelings. You can get a book at the library and try it.

  • Quandry

    Mr Majestic

    First, welcome.

    Second, your story was not at all too long. It let us know something about you. You should know that you are not alone. Many, many of us here feel very similar. Those outside were not to be trusted, but yes, eventually we find that they are all we have.

    Be patient. The first two years out for me and my husband were hell, and we didn't know if we would survive. Gradually, we got up our confidence. You must give yourself time. We are beginning to laugh again and see a brighter future. You can, too!!!!

    Please try to get involved in something worthwhile. Perhaps you could further your education, if you have not done so. This would give you confidence and perhaps new ideas and friends. Maybe volunteer groups that focus on helping others.

    Last, please stay with us. You have been through bad times and may be able to encourage others on this forum who will surely be going through some of the same feelings you have described.

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