If JW Minors Confide in You ...

by compound complex 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • avidbiblereader

    Yes I have and depending on the age, Kids may lack experience or wisdom but they have eyes and ears and we should never underestimate their knowledge or understanding on things they see and hear, as Peter said, "we cannot stop speaking about the things we have seen and heard"

    They are smarter then we think many times. The last thing another young person needs is to feel "everybody" is lying to them. They need some sort of confidence somewhere.


  • hamsterbait

    They are obviously so desperate they need to talk.

    Let them.

    Don't ask leading questions, and the most dangerous thing is to agree with them. That is often turned into "but so-and-so says that too" (then you are to blame)

    Say "how does that make you feel" "that is an interesting observation."

    When they ask for your opinion just say "I don't know".

    If they want advice say "just keep asking your questions and you will find the answers. Jesus said "seek and ye shall find" "


  • zack

    Give them a DVD of "the Village."

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Kids are smarter than we think and need to talk ... they need honesty, not more lies.

    Keep asking questions and you'll find the answers - 'seek and ye shall find.'

    See "The Village." What a comparison to "you know what"!

    Thank you, ABR, Hamster and Zack. I appreciate your input and am reminded that it's all right to speak but to think before doing so.



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