Why cant we all just move on? Are we too unselfish?

by oompa 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    I hate where I am at in life. The Subject is mainly for faders I guess, but even some hardcore DA's probably just cant get things out of their system. I want a fresh start, but feel I could not do it around old friends, family, and esp. my wife (which would then be ex-wife). I have mentioned before just wanting to go far away, and yet that would still hurt so many family, and dissapoint friends. Why cant we be more "selfish" like some seem to be on JWD.

    no offense to selfish ones....some is a good thing....oompa

  • jgnat

    I'll move on when my husband moves on. After I publish my book so that others can learn from our successes and failures, that is.

    Oompa, as long as you are exposed to the madness, you need an outlet. In this way, you and I are alike.

  • journey-on

    Oompa, I worry about you.

    I've been at these kinds of crossroads in my life, and it's painful. You feel pulled and tugged at and an urgent

    need to just MAKE A DECISION! But, as I've gotten older, I realize it's best to just flow with life and not push it.

    Chaotic emotions tend to calm themselves down.

  • oompa

    JG I see you are very involved here and have a zillion posts. Does your husband know or mind about your time here or do you hide it from him? I am so sick of hiding and feel I still am, now from, wife, son, and witness coworkers. Do you engage your husband with discussions about these matters still?


  • jgnat
    Does your husband know or mind about your time here or do you hide it from him? I am so sick of hiding and feel I still am, now from, wife, son, and witness coworkers. Do you engage your husband with discussions about these matters still?

    After you get to know me for a while, LOL, you'll find out I always have a fall-back plan, and I'm always planning five or six moves ahead. I'm an old chess player. My husband is NOT logical and is quite content to leave the deep thinking to me. So to answer the first question, I do not hide my association here. I've pondered marriages built on deception, and the deceiving partner lives in dread they are exposed. I don't, because I haven't. Now, to prepare for the day when he would realize the extent and depth of apostacy that is possible, I pre-introduced him to notable members of JWD. Included in that illustrious membership, in order of appearance; Concerned Mama, Irreverent, Blondie, Simon, Angharad, Onacruse and Bikerchic. All have proven to be kind and generous people of a caliber far beyond anyone at his hall. My husband's cognitive dissonance must be wreaking havoc in his gentle brain.

    Now that you understand our dynamics, I'll answer the second question. I don't engage my husband in an intellectual discussion unless he is foolish enough to start. A recent discussion was the relative kindness of the message. Would you rather be "stung" by a Witness or soothed by the refreshing words from Christ? My hubby, the adorable lug, chuckles, "You have an answer for everything, don't you?"

  • OnTheWayOut

    oompa, you may really need to go to counselling, perhaps marriage counselling.
    It's normal to think some of what you are thinking about moving on "WITH YOUR LIFE."
    But it's not necessary to move on without your wife and kids.

    If you are tired of pretending, then perhaps not pretending is best for you. Don't make
    rash decisions, but consider not hiding your feelings. I am battling this, but I don't
    hide too much of my fade from my wife. I do things NOT IN THE OPEN, but still, I do them.
    I read apostate literature and don't go to meetings. I say things when I need to say them.
    If I feel restrained, I can end the fade and just be open about it. You might need that.

    If you discover through marriage counsel that your wife would rather have you
    around than not, that will make you feel that moving on doesn't have to be alone.
    I spent a considerable time in the early phase of fading, communicating to the wife that
    I would hate to have her violate my trust in her, by her running to the elders to turn me in.
    So far, it turns out that she values our marriage above spying for them. I will be cautious,
    but will just trust her on that.

    and yet that would still hurt so many family, and dissapoint friends

    These are the things we must put on our own scale and see what balances.
    I am going to try to keep up the fade and remember that it only takes one moment to
    end the fade.

    I hope my ramblings about my own decisions on that help you.

  • minimus

    OTWO, well put!

  • OnTheWayOut
    Does your husband know or mind about your time here or do you hide it from him? I am so sick of hiding and feel I still am, now from, wife, son, and witness coworkers.

    Not directed at me, but I want to comment.

    It is harder to fade with kids in the religion. It almost seems that you have to allow
    them to think the wrong stuff.

    Don't make any rash decisions, again. Keep in mind that I don't have kids. My opinion
    is that if I did have kids, I would yank them out so fast from this mind-control cult and give them
    the most normal childhood I could give them. That would involve DA/DF and it could get ugly
    with the wife.

    I do not post openly in front of my wife. She has never heard of JWD. She knows that I use the internet
    to do some of my soul-searching, but she knows not to ask exactly what I am reading.

    Witness coworkers makes it tough, too. You may have to consider all the alternatives-
    Counseling, fading, DA'ing, changing work, etc.

  • Anti-Christ

    I'm with OnTheWayOut, that's good advice. I'm a lucky bastard, my wife is a fader with me, the difference with me and her is that she never really believed in the crap tower so it was not hard for her to fade so she does not need to express herself has much as I do. We were both raised in the JW, even though I always had serious question about the JW, I still tried hard to follow. Now that I know a lot more about their lies and about the "bible", I have this urge to tell every body what I know to the people who are still in. My wife does not have this urge but she does not want to stop me from doing what I feel I need to do. I hold back when I am with her family but I don't hold back for the rest, when some of my JW coworkers start to talk to me about what they read in a WT or what the heard in a talk, I let them have it and boy does it feel good, so what I'm saying is that you need to have an outlet or you are going to crack.

  • OnTheWayOut

    oompa, the imposter made it difficult for some to want to comment to you.
    I will bump this thread, as you need some advice. I also recommend bumping it on
    Monday morning. Hang in there while you meditate on advice.

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