looking for friends to talk with

by ctisi 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • RedhorseWoman

    Margaret, the problems I had with the Organization were the changeability of "truth", and the fact that every other religious group has been castigated by the Society for being imperfect and not living up to their high ideals.

    Additionally, one is encouraged to closely examine their faith.....until one becomes a JW....then any examination is strongly discouraged.

    The major problem I found is in trying to correlate the scripture which says that you will distinguish true Christians by the "love they have amongst themselves". This true Christian love was sorely lacking in every congregation I attended. Instead of love, there were divisions, cliques, favoritism.....the list goes on and on. Eventually, I could no longer reconcile the reality of the Organization with the biblical precedent for the true religion.

  • thinker

    Please read my post "Double Standards". I'd love to get your reaction.

  • Pathofthorns

    Hey Margaret.

    I used to use that same reasoning too. I was quite proud of myself for coming up with it too.

    Have you thought of the signs God used to show he was using the Isrealites? Can you tell me what makes you so sure God is using the Witnesses today?

    The Isrealites apostacized from God and he eventually cast them off and rejected them. During the frequent reign of wicked and wayward kings, there were always individuals who rejected who was running the organization God was using because they were not following God's laws. What comment do you have on this?

    How can u be sure that the organization God is using today cannot corrupt like Isreal, and like the first century Christian Congregation? (remember 5 of 7 congregations in revelation recieved strong counsel for not following Christian principles). If it ever did, what would you do? Would you remain loyal to the principles set out in the Bible or would you continue to follow men, hoping things will get better?

    Finally Margaret, what is compelling you to post here? You're facinating and your presence is most welcome here.


  • larc


    You are in a most difficult situation, if you stay you have to overlook some blatant problems, if you leave, you will lose most of your friends and family. Neither choice is pleasant. You are fortunate to have this forum. When my wife and I went through this process there was no one for us to talk to. I wish you well no matter your choice.

    All organizations, religious and secular, can give benefits and they can also grind you up. Avail yourself of the benefits, but don't let them ruin you. In any case, you don't need an organization to pray and grow spiritually. You are the only one who can decide if the WTBTS helps you more than hurts you.

  • Frenchy

    I read your most recent post very carefully. You are quite correct in saying that too often an organization is judged by certain individuals within it. I have seen many bitter posts condemning the WTS for things that elders or even C.O.'s have done that was less than loving, less than Christian, things that the WTS does not endorse. Having served as an elder for many years (until this year) I have had the opportunity to see more than the one side that publishers (even elders' wives) are able to see. I know that many times publishers as well as elders do not follow certain WTS procedures that are really good rules. I do not fault the WTS for errors committed by individuals within. I have even defended it on some occassions against specific charges which I felt were not justified. One individual here in particular got very angry at me for this.
    The problems that I have with the WTS is of another nature. You made a statement in your post that the WTS is an 'imperfect organization'. I agree with you completely on that also. The problem is that the WTS does not agree with you on that, not at all. The problem is that the WTS does not recognize that TRUTH. That, more than anything else, is the fundamental problem with the WTS, its failure to see itself as it really is.
    What do you think of this?

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • Carmel

    HI Margaret!

    I'm the local court jester here so don't take my comments too seriously! I'm only here to make sure certain red-headed equestrians and old ladies with extra thick glasses have someone to kick around. Kind of like Nixon and the press corps! Any way, welcome, not that I have the right to extend such, not owning this here electronic hangout! I noted that you made the typical reference by inference that the JWs are the only religious organization that is coming close to or is doing God's will. That would infer that you have in fact, investigated each religion closely and that you know what His will is.
    Could you verify this? Have you indeed, walked a mile in the shoes of every religion? Is it possible that God's will is confined to only that adumbrated by the Watchtower?

    Carmel, looking to hear from you and my favorite opressors

  • khlacey


    Edited by - khlacey on 17 December 2000 2:59:37

  • waiting

    Hello lacey,

    when I changed paths and dedicated my life to Jehovah, why did they jump on me & threaten to disown?

    My aunt, who was a sociologist at Univ. of South. Cal., gave a good response for your question to me many years ago when I said the same thing: "Your family most likely felt threatened by your turning from them. Your intense involvement in a movement they were not part of was threatening to them. You could have become an intense sumo wrestler and they would have reacted the same way. If you hadn't become so fanatical - they wouldn't have reacted so intensely. You set up the rejection by fanatically embracing a foreign belief."

    Of course, it made sense to me - except the fanatical part. I had a new family - it didn't matter too much if I lost my old family. Besides, if my old family didn't come into the Truth, they were going to be destroyed by Jehovah. What my parents were doing was proof that I had the Truth - they were persecuting me for following The Only True God, just like the little blue book, the Truth book, foretold that they would - prophetlike.

    I had the Truth! I was not a fanatic. I was a true believer of Jehovah. And I was aligning myself with His True Organization, God's Only Channel to Mankind, The Watchtower & Bible Tract Society of Pennsylvania.

    Of course, back then, I didn't have to pledge my allegiance and obedience to the WTBTS through baptism - like you did. I got baptized in the name of the Jehovah, Jesus, and the holy spirit.

    Nice to meet you.


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