Christmas Is Not Pagan!

by Sarah Smiles 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nvrgnbk

    If Christmas was linked to satan, why would satan allow this:

    Watch what you say about Satan, Linda!

  • Gopher

    ...and Donald Wildmon is tolerant? Oh yeah, he tolerates people who think just like him.

    But his letter does raise a question -- If a Muslim can complain and get Christmas banned in a school, why was Christmas allowed when Jehovah's Witness children were in a school? Or -- if JW's could ask out of Christmas celebrations, why can't Muslims do the same?

  • MadTiger

    "If you choose to see evil, you can find it anywhere. If you choose to see beauty, it's everywhere, too, though often far less obvious. I believe we are meant to look for the good, and enjoy it where ever it can be found."

    I think those are three of the best sentences I have read on this site. I agree.

  • Insomniac

    SusanHere- in point of fact, my friend Mike is a practicing Druid. It's an actual religion, embraced by a great many people all over the world. When Mike the Druid went through basic training when he joined the U.S. Army two years ago, he was directed by the base chaplain to a group of his fellow soldiers on that same base, who were all Druids as well. Apparently, there's quite a few Pagans and Wiccans in our armed forces, also.

    Regarding the original topic of this thread- I'm Pagan, and my partner is not. I celebrate Yule, he celebrates Christmas. It's hard to tell where one ends and the other begins, because the customs of each holiday are so very similar. It's not something we worry about, though; it would seem silly and a waste of our time to try to argue which faith can rightly lay claim to our shared traditions. It's way more fun to just decorate our tree and give each other presents!

  • NewYork44M

    This will be my first christmas. I hope and pray that there is something pagan about it, because that is the only reason I want a christmas tree and mistletoe. Don't disappoit me. I want christmas because I want pagan. I am through with christianity. I want to have fun for once in my life. Based upon everything I have learned, it is only the pagans that know how to have fun.

  • NewYork44M

    Of course santa is satan, Just rearrange the last two letters. That satan is a sly fellow.

  • Gopher
    Of course santa is satan, Just rearrange the last two letters. That satan is a sly fellow.

    Satan is an anagram for Santa! Here is an anagram for "Christmas is not pagan" : A Massacring Thin Post

  • flipper

    I agree ! It's not pagan, it's fun! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Insomniac

    Flipper- I'm living proof that it's possible to be both Pagan and fun!

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    Ok maybe the tree is not liked by YHWH because of a scripture in Jeramiah. As far as The Christians use of Dec 25th as Christ birthday it is not pagan. It was an established birthday for Jesus Christ on 340 A.D. It was used as a tool to gain pagan to follow Christ!

    Mirthia and Solstice has nothing to do with Christ established holiday of 340 A.D. I need to find a historical book that states the facts!

    Santa Claus might be pagan if you have a carved image of the happy face pope.

    YES, YOU do need to go through all the meaning of Christmas and prove why you think they are pagan! I am looking for truth as well as everyone else. And I think the Jehovah's Witnesses lied to us! manipulate what we should think by comparing false pagan rituals with Christmas!

    I believe I am expressing the truth! and others are just comparing false pagan, Mirthia, and solstice and all that other crap with Christ birthday which is not pagan in origin!

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